• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Search results

  1. LionKing

    Issue Cloudflare's proxy function and SSL certificates

    Hello. I wonder if there is a way to get around this.Cloudflare's proxy function for each domain name block's for any automatic SSL certificate renewal and that means that when we have to update and renew our company's SSL certificates for plus 30 domain it takes oceans of times to do this...
  2. LionKing

    Question Docker for Plesk makes me confused.

    Seriously I'm confused about this Docker extension for Plesk o_O:rolleyes: On one side it says that it is free and on the other side of the fence it cost 5 USD per month (and for what?). So what is what really here? Can someone be kind and explain this to me please? Thanks in advance; it...
  3. LionKing

    Issue MariaDB settings grayed out?

    Why is suddenly the database settings blocked and they tick box grayed out for MariaDB? :rolleyes: As per screenshot: As you can see there is no way you can access the DB settings for MariaDb anymore.
  4. LionKing

    Issue Request-URI Too Long (Apache)

    Hello. In our CRM system we are receiving this error: Basically it stems from that we have a lot text in a leads description field which obviously organically grows a lot as the sales reps fill out information about a client prospect and record the history of the calls and conversation they...
  5. LionKing

    Resolved PHP Warning: parse_ini_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect

    I'm seeing this issue on our Plesk server: I see that there is a reference to WP plugins so I'm not certain if the plugin is the issue or that the system doesn't get full access to the php.ini file in Linux? Any thoughts on how to solve this? Kind regards
  6. LionKing

    Issue AH00124: Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects.....

    I'm seeing this error in our main company website is crashing I'm not sure what is causing it... I've changed the log level to "All" in PHP settings. But so far it doesn't reveal any clues to me. Any ideas? :rolleyes: Thanks in advance. Kind regards
  7. LionKing

    Question Install mod_rewrite on Plesk?

    Well as the subject head lines say's; so my question is pretty straight forward.... So how do you do this? ;) Thanks in advance. Kind regards LionKing
  8. LionKing

    Question Sprite support?

    Hello guys. I'm about to install SuiteCRM which is a free open source fork of SugarCRM on one of our servers and in SuiteCRM's installation guide they list the requirements for SuiteCRM 8.5 and one of these requirements is "Sprite". Does Plesk support Sprite natively or do you need to install...
  9. LionKing

    Resolved normal behavior? [Why is my domain redirected to the Plesk login page?]

    So today I was working with adding some new national LTD domain names for our company and was at google webmaster finalizing stuff when I saw that there was a URL/ page that had trouble with being indexed and I reacted to it because it is not something we have added in DNS or elsewhere in itself...
  10. LionKing

    Question Change default admin name?

    Pretty much as it says: Is there a way to change the first default administrators name to something else? Using "admin" as user name is pretty stupid and a security risk, so we like to change it to something else. Plesk doesn't give you an option to change the default administrator user name...
  11. LionKing

    Resolved cURL Error (6) Could not resolve host: accounts.google.com

    cURL Error (6) Could not resolve host: accounts.google.com So I been digging a bit about this issue and it seems that it is related to to two things Linux and Plesk, On our Plesk we do not run any DNS server or email server. So any dns queries has to be made by external dns by our server...
  12. LionKing

    Question Using an external email server.. [How to test settings?]

    Pretty much as the subject says: So our question / issue is that we cannot confirm that the settings actually work. We definitely do not receive any emails/notifications from Plesk. Is there a way to test this? It is quite strange that the Plesk team have not built in something such...
  13. LionKing

    Issue PHP Warning: Unknown: open_basedir restriction in effect

    Hi. We configured that the php_errors.log file in php that should be logged in the "logs" folder. This among things for security reasons as it then reside above the www root. But PHP doesn't seem happy with our choice quote: So how do we configure PHP and Plesk to be "happy" with that we have...
  14. LionKing

    Issue Change multiple folder permissions simultaneously?

    So how do you actually change for a domain somename.domain-whatever.com all folders and sub-folders recursively and simultaneously? Or chose just to change all file permissions recursively only on the whole root folder? So far we can only see that you can change one folder and its content at...
  15. LionKing

    Resolved Nginx: 413 Request Entity Too Large

    Hello I'm attempting to upgrade our CRM system on our company server and I'm receiving this error (Never had it before and done upgrades in the past with no issues): I've tweaked both the: php.ini and user.ini files in the public_folder PHP Settings in home --> domains --> PHP Settings Just...
  16. LionKing

    Resolved PHP error log: "server reached max_children setting (10), consider raising it"

    While searching for another issue I found this message in the PHP error log (/var/log/phpx.x t): "Server reached max_children setting (10), consider raising it" Any idea how to tweak this setting for a website in the system? Thanks in advance.
  17. LionKing

    Resolved Tons of old backup files [Delete and how?]

    So in var/lib/psa/dumbs there is a ton of backup files which fills a huge amount of GB and just taking up server disk space. More examples here directly in Linux: Is there a way to delete them in directly Plesk or shold we delete them manually in Linux? (I assume that Plesk is generating...
  18. LionKing

    Resolved 500 internal server error [How to find more information about it]

    So we have this app running web cron and now we are getting the dreaded 500 internal server error. But that is not the issue itself: The issue is that Plesk do not give you more information about the 500 error itself. So it is very complicated to attempting to solve this issue when we have no...
  19. LionKing

    Issue Googlebot blocked and uptime monitor traffic blocked too...

    Hi guys. Ok so I been looking into this for some time and it seems that Plesk blocks traffic from Googlebot and other indexing bots requesting pages, (Probably also Bing which Yahoo/Duckduckgo also use): Yandex too: The same happens for the up-time monitor service we use from WPMU Dev: Its...
  20. LionKing

    Question Quick question..

    Hi, sinceI'm nw to Plesk I am not familair with all system generated files and our detection system found a file public_html/.php-ini and .php-ini is dot php.ini a Plesk generated file that just points the the real php.ini file? It does point to /var/www/vhosts/system/domainname.xyz/etc/php.ini...