• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the next Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

sitebulider 4 with plesk 8.1


Basic Pleskian
is sitebulider 4.x supported by plesk 8.1

i haveplesk 8.1 install with site bulider 3.2

i downloaded sitebulider 4.0 from http://www.swsoft.com/en/products/sitebuilder/

i have sql 2005 installed for which i changed sa password using plesk database admin page itself.

now when i am runing sitebuilder 4.0 install exe it says" cannot make connection to sql server .."

in applcation event log i found Login failed for user 'sa'. [CLIENT:]

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp

found this is application log udner

C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\SiteBuilder\_logs

9/7/2007 9:46:36 AM [5460] [] [] Error SWsoft.SiteBuilder.KA.Facade.KAService [] Cannot reach KA server
System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
at CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(Object clientObj, String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at CookComputing.XmlRpc.XmlRpcClientProtocol.Invoke(String MethodName, Object[] Parameters)
at XmlRpcProxy381987bc-43c9-4f9e-bb70-c76f4530e47d.GetKey(String , String , KeyInfo[] , String , ServerInfo )
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.KA.Facade.KAService.UpdateKey(List`1 history, String& key, Boolean& stopAutoUpdate)
1. SQL 2005 by default login/password is turned off, please ensure it enabled and you use correct credentials.
2. Plesk can install Sitebuilder itself (as separate component) - it's better variant to install it. After that you can upgrade Sitebuilder, if it's required.
3. You should allow Sitebuilder to connect to SWsoft's KA server to update license.

If you have any troubles - write them here.
sql 2005 login paswords turned off?

sitebulider upgrade after plesk 8.1 - plesk 8.2 upgrade run
I upgraded 8.1 - plesk 8.2 without force upgrade parameter for sitebulider upgrade

how can i upgrade sitebuilder to 4.0 now

i tried C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Install\070705.17\SiteBuilder4.msi

which started detecting taht one version alreday exists on this server choosing next prodcued error sql server cannot be connected

any clues is this right method ? if not can i have any kbs reefrring same

I have remote connections allowed , auth type mixed
firewall rules are updated as well to allow plesk KA server connections, doest work even if we disable firewall rules
In this case suggested the following way:
1. Uninstall existing Sitebuilder installation. Sites and database should not be removed.
2. Install latest 4.1 version specifying old parameters excluding 'sa' user password. New password for 'sa' user should be specified instead. Installation process will detect sites and databases.

before i do this

will it retain existing sites on server
will there be any licensing issues.integration issues with existing plesk 8.2 configuration( which is entirely fien after upgrade from plesk 8.1)
we do hv existing web sites/domains alongwith smarter mail integartion whcih is smooth so far.
will appreciate a quick reply
1. Uninstall existing Sitebuilder installation. Sites and database should not be removed.

i tried to add remove programs-plek modify- plesk core components-> site bulider - uninstall this product and during the process it detected some checksum errors for a few msi files and eventually modify process had to be cancelled.
msi file it had been picking was from
C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Install\070705.17
no replies

well i am curious to know when we run plesk instaler from add remove programs after upgrade why is it producing checksum of following files do no match and then it prompts to retry or cancel

does it mean plesk modify will never work?

anything wrong with upgarde procedure?
we did apply this update as well after upgrade Plesk for Windows Update 070919.13( using autu update)
First of all make sure that old database is used and sites are up in Sitebuilder. After that try to re-enable Sitebuilder support for one of the clients and check this situation one more time. Hope it helps.
Also, before any modification you can check application.log file for any errors. Try to open this file right after you get Sitebuilder error in Plesk and check latest records.

install is complete and we could enable componenet in plesk components as well

we had to reset the cleint preferences and did test setup on one domain.
after one domain publishing it produced site bulider license error

but now we have major issue :

plesk backup using swsoft->plesk-> backup
even if we try backup one domain or site ( with or without checkbox backup sitebuilder sites/users) it's ending abruptly
if we disbale SB componenet form Plesk-> component services and run backup Plesk backup runs smoothly

Here is log:
Start new dump:
File: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\Backup\psa-8.2-server.server-2007.12.28-withsb.psa
Stop CP: true
Stop Domains: true
Ignore Warnings: false
Dump domains content: true
Dump mailboxes content: true
Dump databases: true
Dump server info: true
Dump skins: false
Temporary folder: C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\PrivateTemp\
Files exclusion patterns:
Excluded directoires:
Start: Stopping Plesk control panel
Log : Stopping service Apache Tomcat
Log : Stopping service Plesk Control Panel Service
Log : Stopping service Plesk SSL Wrapper Service
Log : Stopping service Plesk PopPass Service
Log : Stopping service Task Scheduler
Log : Stopping service Plesk Name Server
End: Stopping Plesk control panel
Start: Loading database...
Log : Load table accounts
Log : Load table admin_aliases
Log : Load table admin_aliases_param
Log : Load table actions
Log : Load table anon_ftp
Log : Load table badmailfrom
Log : Load table cards
Log : Load table certificates
Log : Load table cl_param
Log : Load table clients
Log : Load table clientstraffic
Log : Load table cp_access
Log : Load table custom_buttons
Log : Load table DashboardPreset
Log : Load table DashboardPresetConfig
Log : Load table data_bases
Log : Load table DatabaseServers
Log : Load table db_users
Log : Load table disk_usage
Log : Load table dns_recs
Log : Load table dns_recs_t
Log : Load table dns_zone
Log : Load table dom_level_usrs
Log : Load table dom_param
Log : Load table domains
Log : Load table domainservices
Log : Load table domainstraffic
Log : Load table dsn
Log : Load table event_handlers
Log : Load table forwarding
Log : Load table fpse_users
Log : Load table ftp_users
Log : Load table hosting
Log : Load table ip_addresses
Log : Load table limits
Log : Load table locales
Log : Load table log_rotation
Log : Load table logos
Log : Load table mail
Log : Load table mail_aliases
Log : Load table mail_redir
Log : Load table mail_resp
Log : Load table mailer_queries
Log : Load table maillists
Log : Load table misc
Log : Load table mn_param
Log : Load table notes
Log : Load table notifications
Log : Load table parameters
Log : Load table pd_users
Log : Load table permissions
Log : Load table protected_dirs
Log : Load table repository
Log : Load table resp_attach
Log : Load table resp_forward
Log : Load table skins
Log : Load table slave_params
Log : Load table slaves
Log : Load table smtp_poplocks
Log : Load table stat
Log : Load table subdomains
Log : Load table sys_users
Log : Load table templates
Log : Load table tmpldata
Log : Load table upgrade_history
Log : Load table web_users
Log : Load table webapps
Log : Load table siteapppackages
Log : Load table siteapps
Log : Load table siteappresources
Log : Load table sa_conf
Log : Load table sa_list
Log : Load table sa_param
Log : Load table report
Log : Load table report_section
Log : Load table domain_aliases
Log : Load table shared_ssl_links
Log : Load table hotlink_prot
Log : Load table hotlink_friends
Log : Load table backuptasks
Log : Load table cf_dsn
Log : Load table cf_dsn_params
Log : Load table wsb_param
End: Loading database...
Start: Resolving links...
Exec 'C:\Program Files\SWsoft\Plesk\admin\bin\sbmng' '--get-host'
End: Resolving links...
Start: Starting Plesk control panel.
Log : Starting service Plesk Name Server
Log : Starting service Task Scheduler
Log : Starting service Plesk PopPass Service
Log : Starting service Plesk SSL Wrapper Service
Log : Starting service Plesk Control Panel Service
Log : Starting service Apache Tomcat
End: Starting Plesk control panel.
Start: Starting services of domains
End: Starting services of domains
psabackup.InternalErrorException: Parent domain not found
at psabackup.wsb_param.GetDomain(XMLRow row, DumpEnv env)
at psabackup.wsb_param.onPreDumpOperation(XMLRow row, DumpEnv env, DumpOperation operation)
at psabackup.DumpEnv.resolveLinks()
at psabackup.DumpEnv.start()
at dump.Progress.runAsync()
at dump.Progress.timer_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
application.log says:

2007-12-28 15:25:19,328 [5] ERROR SWsoft.SiteBuilder.Statistics.ReportSender - Statisics processing failed.
System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.ArrayList.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext()
at TechTalk.Services.Collections.Set.Union(IEnumerable items)
at TechTalk.Services.Collections.Set.op_Addition(Set left, Set right)
at TechTalk.Dal.Context.PrepareSelector(DataDomain dataDomain, SqlStructSelector selector)
at TechTalk.Dal.Context.PrepareSelector(DataDomain dataDomain, SqlSelector selector)
at TechTalk.Dal.Context.PrepareQuerySelectors(DataDomain dataDomain, SqlQuery query)
at TechTalk.Dal.PersistentSet.GetObjectReader()
at TechTalk.Dal.PersistentSet.GetEnumerator()
at TechTalk.Dal.PersistentSet.ToObject()
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.BO.Facade.GeneralSettingsService.Internal_GetSimpleSettingNoTx(Guid a_ownerId, String a_key, CultureInfo a_culture)
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.BO.Facade.GeneralSettingsService.GetSimpleSettingNoTx(Guid a_ownerId, String a_key, CultureInfo a_culture)
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.BO.Facade.GeneralSettingsService.GetSimpleSetting(String a_key)
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.BO.Facade.GeneralSettingsService.GetSimpleDateTime(String key)
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.BO.Facade.GeneralSettingsService.get_StatisticsStartSendingAt()
at SWsoft.SiteBuilder.Statistics.ReportSender.CheckStatisticsDates(Object state)