Upgrade to 10.4.4
this morning I have initiated upgrade from 10.3 to 10.4.4.
Unfortunately, I have received lot's of errors and Plesk Panel become inaccessible with following errors:
ERROR: Service_Agent_Exception
Unable to read components configuration from the service node: sh: /opt/psa/admin/bin/packagemng: Permission denied
0: Unix.php:340
Service_Node_Components_Unix->_syncProperties(NULL null, boolean false)
1: :
call_user_func_array(array, array)
2: Properties.php:142
Service_Node_Properties->sync(NULL null, boolean false)
3: Components.php:20
4: Properties.php:31
Service_Node_Properties->__construct(object of type Db_Table_Row_ServiceNode)
5: ServiceNode.php:173
6: ServiceNode.php:76
7: auth.php3:505
Restarting didn't work, but, after:
/usr/local/psa/bootstrapper/pp10.13.4-bootstrapper/bootstrapper.sh repair
everything back to normal, panel is accessible and working fine...Will check deeper, but, hope that this quick fix will help someone...
Just to mention, last few lines I have received after bootstrapper repair was:
Stopping psa...done
Starting psa...failed
Starting xinetd service...done
Starting bind9 service...done
Starting mysql service...done
Starting postgresql service...not installed
Starting psa-spamassassin service...done
Plesk: Starting Mail Server... already started
Starting psa...failed
Starting drwebd service...not installed
psa failed? but working
With regards,
Ivan Mandic