New Pleskian
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- Plesk version and microupdate number
- CPANEL 110.0.17
Hi, my site uses wp-toolkit to report vulnerabilities and it is reporting an issue:
WordPress WPS Hide Login plugin <= 1.9.11 - Secret Login Page Location Disclosure on Multisites vulnerability
which was already resolved if one upgrades the plugin to version 1.9.12 and marked as fixed today in patchsstack:
I already upgraded the plugin to 1.9.12 and when rescanning the site with wp toolkit it still marks it as an open vulnerability...could it be that it takes a while to notice that if one has version 1.9.12 there is no problem? patchstack api will update the data to wp toolkit or something? It is worrying because hosting providers who uses wp toolkit keep receiving news from their hosting of a non-existent problem...Could you update this rule? thanks!
WordPress WPS Hide Login plugin <= 1.9.11 - Secret Login Page Location Disclosure on Multisites vulnerability
which was already resolved if one upgrades the plugin to version 1.9.12 and marked as fixed today in patchsstack:
WordPress WPS Hide Login plugin <= 1.9.11 - Secret Login Page Location Disclosure on Multisites vulnerability - Patchstack
Hand curated, verified and enriched vulnerability information by Patchstack security experts. Find all WordPress plugin, theme and core security issues.
I already upgraded the plugin to 1.9.12 and when rescanning the site with wp toolkit it still marks it as an open vulnerability...could it be that it takes a while to notice that if one has version 1.9.12 there is no problem? patchstack api will update the data to wp toolkit or something? It is worrying because hosting providers who uses wp toolkit keep receiving news from their hosting of a non-existent problem...Could you update this rule? thanks!