• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the next Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

PROTEST BY LICENSEES We don't want 7.5.3-beta. We want 7.5.3-fullversion without bugs



1) First, the praise. Plesk is (imho) the best looking hosting control panel for unix, and it does have a lot of features. It is nice that they develop for multiple platforms.
I could not agree more. Plesk is one of the best control pannels available.
2) However. I get the impression they do not do much testing of their product before release. I dont know if they even have a "beta test" group - and if they do, I've never heard of it. I'd volunteer to mirror the disk of one of my production machines and do some testing, but SW-Soft does not appear to want the feedback. I think they do a little basic testing and then push it out the door. There's almost no way they can test for all situations, so WHY dont they do a limited "beta test" period a week or two before they intend to release an upgrade, where we can do some trial upgrades from our various versions and provide feedback? It's crazy that they don't offer this as an option, especially since they dont seem to be able to adequately test in-house.
They do release beta versions. http://www.sw-soft.com/en/products/plesk75reloaded/beta you can also install the released control pannel on a testserver with a default license that will allow you to test the control pannel out before you upgrade your production servers
3) There is no official bug-reporting area. Users post here, and (presumably) SW-Soft occasionally reads what is wrong with their product (but never acknowledges anything posted here). Or of course you can pay for support, and they will send you back the typical "we've forwarded it to our developers, you should see a fix for this sometime, from a few days to a few months" kind of response. If you don't have paid support, and there IS a known bug/issue, you'll usually receive the standard "your support contract has expired" response, even if it's a showstopping bug.

So in other words, sometimes they'll acknowledge their bugs, and offer to fix it for you (privately though - in support emails), but not acknowledge the bug publicly, or provide a public fix for the problem for at least a few weeks or months (example: the serious bugs in FreeBSD 7.5.2 that were left for months until 7.5.3). There were private fixes for the problems via support email, within a few days -- but only if you happened to have a paid support contract. That just seems wrong to me... bugfixes should be considered part of the software; I should not have to pay a support contract to receive bugfixes for known issues.
They do have an official bugreport method. Its called [email protected] It is next to impossible for SWSoft to take into account for every single configuration possible. I to this date I have not had any major problems and infact I've only had 2 minor problems.

If you don't like how Plesk handles bugfixes build your own control pannel because no matter where you go there will always be bugs because it is next to impossible to take every possible configuration into account.

And people please get your information straight before posting on a public forum and trying to defame a company because they are not perfect. Its a fact of life, everything is not perfect.
Edited for clarity...

This is the first time they've done this, right? If it's always been done, then I've missed that point and I concede that I am wrong. But that's one point out of many.

Providing an official place to submit bugs ([email protected]) is vastly different from providing an official place where users can browse bugs, and the SW-Soft provided solutions to those bugs. You can find some fixes to bugs in these forums, but it's unofficial, user-provided support. There really should be an official place where SW Soft acknowledges bugs and provides bugfixes/workarounds for the issues - even if they provide them "as-is".

As for you not having any more than two problems, I congratulate you. However, your statement implies that most bugs are user/admin error, and if things are done properly, customers should not experience more than one or two bugs.

But your report of "only two bugs" specifically applies to you and your circumstances. Are you saying that all of the hundreds of reported bugs in the Troubleshooting forum are all due to user/admin error? Some, yes - but certainly no more than half.

For example, the fact that the new Horde version did not work at all on 7.5.3 (at least on FreeBSD, at at least a few other platforms) after an upgrade - unless you manually ran a "reconfig" of the apache config files. This should have been caught in testing. In fact, if they had tested webmail at all in house after an upgrade, they would have noticed that the default page would show, instead of webmail. The only way they could have missed it was failure to test the component - and there have been many other (non-obscure, very basic) bugs that have been in released Plesk versions, simply because they did not test the component before release. Anyway, my point was not to say "SW Soft sucks" - their software is quite complex, and bugs will happen. However, I feel bug testing is inadequate. I also feel that known bugs should be presented in an official and public place, along with known fixes - instead of forcing admins to "find" the bug themselves, or browse these non-support forums and open a ticket once they realize the bug exists.

you can also install the released control pannel on a testserver with a default license that will allow you to test the control pannel out before you upgrade your production servers

Be serious - this is useless. I want to test what will really happen when I upgrade a server with 200+ domains on it to the newest version. The test licenses allow 1 domain with 1 mailbox. Regardless, I do test on a non-production box before I upgrade. I just can't test as fully as I'd like.

If you don't like how Plesk handles bugfixes build your own control pannel because no matter where you go there will always be bugs because it is next to impossible to take every possible configuration into account.

Again with the "if you dont like it, build your own" response. That's not productive at all, and is a total waste to even post that. First, I (nor anyone else here, I would imagine) am not in the business of creating control panels.. I'm in the consulting, hosting, etc business. I have no interest in creating my own control panel. SW Soft IS in that business, and I would imagine they would take constructive criticism such as mine and consider it.

They can ignore it too, or they can use the same response you're using and say "if you dont like it, leave" - but again - that's not really a smart thing to say to customers. It's up to them. But they dont need you to be their fanboy and defend them... hehe. All the issues I posted are real. Saying they are not is just ignoring the issue.

My posts basically say "these are areas and shortcomings I believe SW Soft should address."

At least considering how their customers feel is in their best interest of SW Soft, even if they feel that the customer is wrong. Considering what customers feel should be improved helps them release a better product, more customers are happy, and (of course) they make more money - which is what they're in business to do. Anything they can do to make their customers happier (and thus make more money) should at least be considered on a cost/return on investment basis...

I never said "please make a completely bug free product." I didn't say "SW Soft, you ****." My comments, although unflattering to SW Soft, are designed to let them know what I feel are problems with their testing process and the way they handle release of patches to their customers. I want them to improve, so I can enjoy their product more and as a result, give them more money.

Your post basically says "These problems/issues you guys are talking about dont exist." Do you think your post is actually productive for SW-Soft's sake? Your comments are certainly good PR for SW-Soft, but that's it.

Sorry for the discussion but something needs to be clarified here.

I don't think anyone expects software to be released without bugs. What we do expect is reasonably prompt support to correct those bugs even if it is in the form of posts here to address them.

I am not talking about the dozens of little things that go uncommented on, I am talking about serious flaws that effect a lot of users. Solutions to problems are most often provided by a handful of Plesk gurus from the userbase here. It is great that we have these people willing to share their knowledge but sad that they support the userbase better than the company selling the software.

Originally posted by Jason Lee
They do release beta versions. http://www.sw-soft.com/en/products/plesk75reloaded/beta you can also install the released control pannel on a testserver with a default license that will allow you to test the control pannel out before you upgrade your production servers

A test server install is useless for most of us. We have machines hosted at datacenters and it is not practical to keep a local machine with identical hardware just for testing. Even if we could do that, software across multiple machines at the same datacenter varies enough that a test install on a non-production server still offers no real prediction of what to expect.

Two things already mentioned would go a long ways toward improving the situation.

1. More beta testing.

Don't tell me it's some obscure config that is causing the problems with 7.5.3. A glance at the forum since release will tell any reasonable person that there are some common, serious issues with typical configurations.

2. Posts from techs that explain how to correct common problems.

Patches are great but I realize they take time. When we have a server full of clients with no webmail access, we don't have time to wait for a patch anyway. Is it too much to expect them to get some threads going here on common fixes?


Just did a 7.5.2 --> 7.5.3 upgrade via updater on a RH Enterprise box.. no issues, no problems.

Maybe you folks are messing around with the configs, or you're not on RHE? I would guess that not all distros are as well checked... maybe that's it.


Originally posted by jshanley
This is the first time they've done this, right? They didn't release any "beta" Plesk products for public download before, right?

No, that's not the case. Sometimes beta releases are issued only to partners, other times they are public, sometimes it's between the two - but there are beta releases issued and the product IS tested before (by QA), during (by beta testers and QA) and after (by QA, beta testers and users) the beta period.

There is a simple solution to this ... if SWsoft want to release a product which YOU don't feel is right for your business you need to hang back for a later release in the 7.5.x tree. If you don't like this you can install Plesk with the bugs that exist - bugs which do not affect my business despite running in excess of 100 Plesk systems, and providing 3rd party plesk technical assistance to more.

I have upgraded a LOT of Plesk servers recently, and in fact a lot more since 2001 when I began using Plesk. Back in those days Plesk was much simpler, but still had bugs, a lot less than now but there were a lot less features too. SWsoft is in a position where it needs to balance features and bugs ... it's not possible to have every feature requested and no bugs - obviously, and I'm not suggesting you don't agree with that - but they are a business which has a complex mix of objectives they need to follow.

The more features with are added to Plesk the more dificult it becomes to quality test every possible feature in as many different environments as they can. I agree a public beta test is a good idea each time, but in reality how many people would participate in the beta-tests? I do every time, and provide feedback to SWsoft from a users perspective. Some of my feedback is incorporated, some isn't ... I have no problem with this and will continue to beta-test products for as long as I have the spare time available to do so. If I spot 1 bug that hasn't been spotted by QA then that makes my time worthwhile, and I have not reported a bug to date which has not been fixed by the time the release was issued (and I've reported a lot of bugs in beta releases).

They need to remain competitive by adding new features to Plesk and meeting customer demand for new features, in a controlled way. It's crucial they provide a product which meets the needs of as many users as possible, at the loss of others if necessary - but to maintain balance this has to be with the loss of some new features and the inclusion of bugs -- there simply is no other way.

You have choice like I have said numerous times. If SWsoft say a product is of release quality that is fine by me, I know that not everything is what it seems in this world, so I evaluate every decision which affects my business very carefully. I make mistakes, we all do, but I honestly do not believe I have made a mistake upgrading to ANY Plesk release in the past -- AND I use every Plesk release without fail, even the early releases like 7.0.0, 7.1.0, 7.5.0. I expect bugs, but I also have enough faith in the product to know that it is reliable enough and that if there are any problems they will be fixed.

There are problems with SWsoft's methods of releasing hotfixes -- I think these should all be available online. I also believe these should all be in RPM format (for redhat-based distro's anyway) for integration with HSPc but that's not something will affect most of you.

But in reality it always comes down to you ... if you need a bug-free release wait until a later release in the series ... I'm sure 7.5.7 will be as close to 'perfect' as you can find, as is 7.1.7. If you want bleeding edge (and bugs) go for 7.5.0, 7.1.0. If you want something in between just wait for it.

There is nobody at SWsoft forcing you to upgrade to every release of Plesk, that would be silly, pointless and wouldn't make anyone happy. If you want a bug-free (almost) release stick with 7.1.7 and hang back for 7.5.7, otherwise accept the consequences.

Edit: I'd just like to add that there are some good suggestions above, like a FAQ on common bugs in releases, and other things, I'm just sharing my thoughts above and not dismissing these.
A few days ago, I upgraded to 7.5.3 and had no problems.

I've generally had very good luck with the upgrades and have been using Plesk for years.

You're generally not gonna find software that is 100% bug free - no matter how hard you look.

So, I'm currently on the opposite side of the street with my "I support SWSoft" sign.
I've beta tested since ver 5. Sometimes they will let you get a beta license that has all the features open and supports 100 domains (haven't seen them do this since SW-Soft took over). Problem is, I never seem to run into problems with my test installs. *shrugs* But I also haven't had a production server bite the dust from an upgrade either.

Any problems I have aren't with Plesk/PSA, more like SW-Soft ever since they merged. They seemingly never answer the phone, and can't seem to get our license renewals straight.. :rolleyes:
The problem is

The problem is the whole PLESK upgrade philosophy.

They say:
Backup the key stuff, try the upgrade, if it fails, work hard to restore the things it's broken, reimport databases (of what may now be an incorrect version), etc...

They should say:
We'll test everything on your system, live, first. We'll make sure all the deps are resolved, for all packages, before we install the first one. And after that, we'll make sure each package works before we go onto the next one. And.... if it doesn't work, or we can't go forward, we will roll back all the changes we have made, automatically.

And another note - PLESK should be able to access tools such as yum and up2date in order to help resolve dependancies. I have twice seen the following problem:

php installed with RHEL3 is newer than that on plesk update servers
php-pgsql is not installed by RHEL

Upgrade plesk causes plesk to require php-pgsql, but no matching version is available from the plesk update server.

Is plesk not able to check the registered yum / up2date repos for the needed php-pgsql rpm? Is the only way around it to bail out with a 3 page long email log? And failing that - couldn't the plesk update server include the released official repos for the major distributions to help with this?

I'll be switching to Mac OS X Tiger Server as it supports everything Plesk does and then some now with the Tiger release.
i just went through a catastrophic upgrade going from 7.1.6 to 7.5.2 so i'm holding off on 7.5.3 at the moment. even though i have tape backup now so in theory i could upgrade, if anything can't be fixed vape the install and restore the backup.

i think the biggest problem is, we're always seeing new releases with new features. it's almost as though sw-soft can't justify a bug fix release only.

Originally posted by Jason Lee
I could not agree more. Plesk is one of the best control pannels available. ... And people please get your information straight before posting on a public forum and trying to defame a company because they are not perfect. Its a fact of life, everything is not perfect.

It was clear, that you are one of the user who will ignore the
rule here. It seems so, that you do not see the clear facts in
front of the eyes of the final consumer. Don't be so

The discussion in the thread


brought it to the daylight, that you _do_not_ handle the
Plesk-System by the same way as a final consumer
does do it. Every update is done by you manually by hand.
It's a fake to publish to all the Plesk-Beginners here, that
you do not have problems with making an upgrade. And then all
the plesk-users are rushed by such fake-informations into
big big problems.

We do not speak about superbrains like you. We speak about
the final consumer who knows only the button "Updater"
onto the Plesk-System. It is the final consumer, who will
be informed, that there is a new upgrade aviable. It is then also
the final consumer who begins to trust SW-Soft, that
everything will be fine with making an upgrade from 7.5.2 to
7.5.3. And it is also the final consumer who will get the
big bad surprise: After the upgrade, many things do not work
anymore or are wrong. And here we come to the point of the points:
It is the final consumer, who run into this forum and yell
for any help, because this does not work or here is an error or
this blocks or whatever.

The normal final consumer can only be blissfully ignorant,
because he is not the expert. He is just an user who clicks on
the "upgrade"-button and everything should work then. Of course,
it is the final consumer who thinks, that he paid a lot of
money for the licences and then he can await also a normal working
upgrade. It is the final consumer who doesn't know, that to
upgrade quickly is the same alike SW-Soft will hack your Plesk-system.

SW-Soft makes it easy: They publish the 7.5.3.-upgrade-information,
wait a little bit what will be going on in this forum and behind of
all the users here they begin to flick, fix and repair behind the
hidden hand the bugs within the 7.5.3. They also give the 7.5.3
the same version-number although there are different versions
existing. Defect parts will be exchanged the whole time although
all the version-numbers are the same 7.5.3.

Or with other words:
It is the final consumer who will be faked with "7.5.3 is
a normal final release to upgrade your system", because the
truth is, that many users are just only their test-rabbits for
their beta2 or beta3.

I personally have nothing against a beta1 which is published onto
the webpage of SW-Soft. It is the total opposite: I totally agree
to have at first the beta1 and to make big tests before it will

a) become from beta1 to a _correct_ final release,


b) become from beta1 and to beta2 or beta3 whereas at the same time there _exist_ the big distance to the final consumer, because it is too early to call the beta as a final release.

Instead of making it clear, that the beta2 is not the final release,
SW-Soft want to save costs and money and they use the final
as beta2-testers. This is not acceptable especially if
in the end there comes out, that the beta2 is hacking the
complete running Plesk-System (f.e. Horde, psa-horde, etc.).

A final release doesn't hack, because the final release knows very
well what's going on with f.e. the total new Horde-System and that
the old datas from the old Horde-System must be copied or forwarded
to the new Horde-System. And much more of such examples, look at
all the forum-postings. And the real one final release does not
use Plesk-Forumusers as test-rabbits for their "hidden" beta2 or beta3.

I can surely wait 6 months before the upgrader from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3 will
then also really be a final release. Notta a fake "final release" just
only to make many forum-users busy for days, nights, weeks to fix and
to repair the hacks of SW-Soft.

If the programmers of SW-Soft say, that they need 3 months, because
they want first check out the beta1 to beta2 and beta3 before it will
then really become a final release, I have no problem with that. I can
wait. I can wait 6 months. I have time and they programmers of SW-Soft
can also have the time by me. There is absolute no reason to make
such a hectic and to rush all the people into big techical problems
as we all can see it here with hundreds of forum-help-yellings.

Sure, Jason Lee and JLChafardet, you both do not have problems to
upgrade. And you are very active here in this forum with your ideas
and your helps. I just only do not like the bitching way like a
battlerat with unguilty angel-eyes to jump into here and to fake
other users with "Oh, I really don't know what you have. I had no
problems to upgrade to 7.5.3" and after my strong back-questions
the truth came out what was really going on:

You, Jason Lee with your "Oh, I really don't know what you
have. I had no problems to upgrade" hide it to the other
users, that you made all the updates manually by hand,
cp. http://forum.plesk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24201&perpage=15&pagenumber=2

You, JLChafardet with your "Oh, I really don't know what you
have. I had no problems to upgrade" hide it to the other
users, that you did not upgrade from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3, you did
that from 7.1.7 to 7.5.3 which is a big difference and
cannot be count,
cp. http://forum.plesk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24105&perpage=15&pagenumber=2

And me? I do not upgrade until I am 100 per cent sure, that the
7.5.3 is _really_ a final release. A final release, which is also
intelligent enough how to deal all the radical system-exchangings
alike it is with psa-horde. Just now, for the final consumer
is the upgrade from 7.5.2 to 7.5.3 a cheap lottery between bliss
and risk.

Transfer yourself into the situation of the final consumer,
who is a blonde girl, has 7.5.2 and want to upgrade to 7.5.3 by just
only clicking onto the button "upgrade" with the mouse. And then
the final release has to work as the final consumer also
paid for it. Some little bugs can always be, but not to make such
radical hacks to kill many services running onto Plesk-System. To
kill, just only because SW-Soft wants to save costs for testing
and developing a beta2 or beta3 and to use forum-users as test-
rabbits. Nothing more, nothing less.

I bought the Plesk software for $399.00 and the language package German for $99. After the installation I got the message that there is an update on 7.5.3. I clicked this Button. Since then my emails do not go any longer and my data base are destroyed. In addition I have suddenly problems when logging in. The product is incorrect for this money. We introduced legal steps against the company SW SW-Soft and requested them around rework with period setting of 14 days. At expiration of the term we will complain with the court on compensation for damages.

Kind Regards
Monika Mayrhofer

Dear Mister Lee!

That is not correct. There is a contract between licensers and licensees. The licenser has to fulfill the contract over a functional software. If he does not do this, he commits a breach of contract and becomes compensation requiring. It is nevertheless no Open-Source-Software, but a liable to pay the costs for the product to which over there exist a contractual relation.
If you do not have a problem, then your contractual relation was fulfilled. With me that was not the case. I clicked only on the update Button and the software functioned as did not indicate.

Kind Regards
Monika Mayrhofer

P.S.: I hope, you understand my english. I am a German.
I believe that Crancy and Editor both have valid points.

I have been a Plesk user way before SW-Soft came on scene. I just upgraded my first server which was using Plesk 1.3.1

I have been upgrading and following the development of this product from the beginning.

I normally wait 2 months after the realease of a new version to ensure its stability.

On this version I got caught with my pants down.
One was an upgrade from psa 7.5.2 to 7.5.3
One was an upgrade from psa 7.5.1 to 7.5.3

Neither of teh upgrades work. The first was done with autoupdater. The second was done manually.
Both failed, the first took major intervention to get it operational. The second one I have been working with psa techs for the last 5 days now and I still can not access the control panel.

The second server is only 6 days old. Nothing was on it.. No customizations... just a fresh install of Red Hat Enterprise 3 ES

Very fusterating to me as an end user. I would love to be on a beta team testing the install out on my test servers, but to call it a stable release when i can't even install it on a band new server is really disappointing.

I love the software and rely on it with for my business. I am not planning on using something else any time soon. I have continued faith in them as they are striving to keep on the edge. The changes they put into place in the new version I am sure were more then justified and felt it would really increase the value of their product. I am sure we will soon see a working version of this upgrade and we can all get a good night sleep.

I just hope it's sooner then later so I can get my server back online.

It's a fake to publish to all the Plesk-Beginners here, that
you do not have problems with making an upgrade.

Please do not make false accusations. I'm not sure about where you come from but where I live not only do we consider that extreamly rude but illegal.

You, Jason Lee with your "Oh, I really don't know what you
have. I had no problems to upgrade" hide it to the other
users, that you made all the updates manually by hand,
cp. http://forum.plesk.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24201&perpage=15&pagenumber=2

I have NEVER had any major problems with Plesk EVER. Infact only 2 minor problems that plesk solved rather promptly (and I don't have a support contract). I'm not hiding anything and for the record before I upgraded to FC3 which was just before 7.5.3 was released I had upgraded every time using the updater in the control pannel. I have never had any problems with it and if it worked with FC3 which it doesn't (because FC3 is not officially supported) I would use it again.
I think you are in the minority. We have had 4 to 8 Plesk servers online since 1.x and although I have not kept a tally, at least half of the updates from 6.x on up have caused significant problems.

Some of these problems have been minor, some have been major. 99% of the time I have been able to correct them myself, most often by finding solutions in the forum privided by the userbase. A couple times I have had to pay for support either from Plesk or a third party to get things fixed. More than once we have had mail and/or http services down for several days while correcting update problems and that is simply not acceptable.

I am not one who expects the update button to just work like magic every time. I think most of us are capable of fixing problems manually when given basic instructions and I don't have a problem with doing it. However, most of us are not gurus who can diagnose these problems in the blink of an eye.


Originally posted by editor
It was clear, that you are one of the user who will ignore the
rule here. It seems so, that you do not see the clear facts in
front of the eyes of the final consumer. Don't be so

Need I say more than: Final consumers (blond or not) - should stay away from technical hosting and leave the job to professionals that actually know what they are doing!!

Plesk is an administrative add-on to ease the task of managing your hosting environment - it's not intended to replace an expirenced system administrator or any system administration - just to make it more intuitive and easy on some things.

I think we've been over this a dozen of times over the last many months. Problem with users buying Plesk is that they seem to expect to be able to run a professional hosting environment - just using Plesk.

I love Plesk no doubt about that - but I still use about 1-2 hours with commandline administration and nursing 2-4 days a week. Plesk can't replace a good (and often expensive) system administrator.

Final consumers should pay someone to manage their server (and/or customers) or leave the job to the professional hosting companies.

I've upgraded from 7.0.2 up to running 7.1.7 - but as usual I don't upgrade my production server until at least a couple of weeks after the initial release of a new version. I want to see what errors/bugs turn up before I decide wether to upgrade or not.

I think SWsoft should do more QA before releasing Plesk versions.

I run Plesk since version 2 and I hit a lot of bugs that could be found by a good testing process before release.

I still have a Plesk 6.0.2 on RHL9 installation and I am not sure if I should upgrade it to Plesk 7.1.7 or 7.5.3.

To be on the safe side, I think I'll go with Plesk 7.1.7 for now.

Re: Re: Re: NOACK

Originally posted by Whistler
Need I say more than: Final consumers (blond or not) - should stay away from technical hosting and leave the job to professionals that actually know what they are doing!!

Plesk is an administrative add-on to ease the task of managing your hosting environment - it's not intended to replace an expirenced system administrator or any system administration - just to make it more intuitive and easy on some things.

I think we've been over this a dozen of times over the last many months. Problem with users buying Plesk is that they seem to expect to be able to run a professional hosting environment - just using Plesk.

I love Plesk no doubt about that - but I still use about 1-2 hours with commandline administration and nursing 2-4 days a week. Plesk can't replace a good (and often expensive) system administrator.

Final consumers should pay someone to manage their server (and/or customers) or leave the job to the professional hosting companies.

I agree with you totally Whistler. People if you depend on Plesk to run your server you shouldn't be running a server.
Re: Re: Re: Re: NOACK

Originally posted by Jason Lee
I agree with you totally Whistler. People if you depend on Plesk to run your server you shouldn't be running a server.

People unwilling to troubleshoot a server shouldn't be running a server.

I posted my errors/configuration and spent 2 nights troubleshooting myself. At this point I believe it's SW-SOFT's responsibilty to provide a solution in a reasonable amount of time.