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Search results

  1. nethubonline

    Issue Failed to restart firewalld.service when fail2ban.service exists

    oic, thank you Sebahat. I will wait for the fix of PPPM-12992 FYI, there is no such problem if I only install firewalld and fail2ban in fresh OS (no Plesk).
  2. nethubonline

    Issue Failed to restart firewalld.service when fail2ban.service exists

    Hi all, After I fresh install the Plesk with fail2ban and firewalld, I can't restart firewalld # systemctl restart firewalld Failed to restart firewalld.service: Transaction contains conflicting jobs 'restart' and 'stop' for fail2ban.service. Probably contradicting requirement dependencies...
  3. nethubonline

    Resolved "plesk bin certificate -u" change SMTP port setting unexpectedly

    Username: TITLE "plesk bin certificate -u" change SMTP port setting unexpectedly PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Plesk Obsidian 18.0.65 Update #1 Windows Server 2022 Standard PROBLEM DESCRIPTION In Plesk Windows, we changed the MailEnable SMTP settings of...
  4. nethubonline

    Forwarded to devs "Data Transfer Statistics" not correct after restore or migrator

    Thanks Bitpalast I still think it is a bug, because after migration the "Data Transfer Statistics" is not counting from zero, but is weird that include the month of the migrate date and also a month of 2 years. If "including stats in migration" is a feature that not yet supported, then there...
  5. nethubonline

    Forwarded to devs "Data Transfer Statistics" not correct after restore or migrator

    Hi, I found that this problem is not fixed since 2022, may we know if there is any update?
  6. nethubonline

    Resolved statistics --calculate-list --domain-names will calculate all domains

    Dear Sebahat, I did try include -v , the verbose log shows only specified domain names, however in fact it run all domains in the background, that's why I mentioned in step 2: check process by command: watch -n1 "ps axu|grep awstats" Below are some process list, if you have enough quantity of...
  7. nethubonline

    Resolved statistics --calculate-list --domain-names will calculate all domains

    Username: TITLE statistics --calculate-list --domain-names will calculate all domains PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Plesk Version 18.0.63 Update #1, AlmaLinux release 9.3 x64 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION According to statistics: Calculating Statistics , running command...
  8. nethubonline

    Resolved Wrong Email From address if Email From display name contains "<>" and forwarded by Plesk

    Username: TITLE Wrong Email From address if Email From display name contains "<>" and forwarded by Plesk PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Version 18.0.60 Update #1 AlmaLinux release 9.3 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION When From display name contains "<>" (e.g. From...
  9. nethubonline

    Question Plesk didn't remove maillog in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog under AlmaLinux 9

    After checking, rsyslog.x86_64 is default part of AL9, however it doesn't include /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog because it is in rsyslog-logrotate.x86_64 package now, and rsyslog-logrotate is not default part of AL9. To ensure proper rotation of the log files /var/log/cron, /var/log/messages...
  10. nethubonline

    Question Plesk didn't remove maillog in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog under AlmaLinux 9

    Hi all, In CentOS 7, Plesk will remove /var/log/maillog in /etc/logrotate.d/syslog because Plesk has its own logrotate for it (https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/12387847746711-Is-it-possible-to-modify-rotation-settings-for-maillog-on-Plesk-server). However AlmaLinux 9 becomes...
  11. nethubonline

    Issue poppassd.socket error when fresh install Plesk

    Hi Martin, Nope, lsof -i tcp:106 returns nothing. And both OS & Plesk is fresh installed, so no other application is occupying the port. I guess it is related to IPv6 is not enabled, so the poppassd cannot bind [::1]:106 , can Plesk detects and don't use IPv6 for poppassd if IPv6 is not enabled?
  12. nethubonline

    Issue Failed to reset statistics for mail exceed limit

    Thank you @AlmaWalters After run the commands you provided, the /var/lib/plesk/mail/outgoing/data.db file is recreated, however result is same as case 3, all users can't send any email. data.db 131072 bytes, mailog shows below. Apr 4 09:51:27 test.plesk psa-pc-remote[59866]: 298A68049C...
  13. nethubonline

    Issue poppassd.socket error when fresh install Plesk

    Hi all, When I fresh install Plesk on AlmaLinux release 9.3, the Plesk can be installed successfully, however I found an error during the installation, you can see Job failed. See "journalctl -xe" for details. during the install progress Installing...
  14. nethubonline

    Issue Failed to reset statistics for mail exceed limit

    Hi I don't think whole plesk sbin family are for plesk staff usage only, many tools there are descripted well and for users to use, e.g. plesk bin service_plan https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/cli-linux/using-command-line-utilities/service_plan-hosting-plans.38365/ But i know plesk sbin...
  15. nethubonline

    Issue Failed to reset statistics for mail exceed limit

    Hi all, After the first time enable outgoing messages limit, it works fine at the beginning. When user exceeds the limit and I want to reset the statistics for outgoing limit, so I tried commands below, problem happens. Please help. Case 1 plesk sbin mailmng-outgoing --destroy Result: stop...
  16. nethubonline

    service_plan_addon - PHP Warning: Undefined array key "owner-id"

    The problem still persists on Plesk Obsidian, would Plesk developer fix this warning?
  17. nethubonline

    Resolved plesk bin service_plan with -enable-32bit-app-on-win64 is not working

    Username: TITLE plesk bin service_plan with -enable-32bit-app-on-win64 is not working PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Plesk Obsidian Version 18.0.53 Update #2 Microsoft Windows Server 2022 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION Command "plesk bin service_plan" with...
  18. nethubonline

    service_plan_addon - PHP Warning: Undefined array key "owner-id"

    Thank you Peter, I see this warning only, and it doesn't affect the function.