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Search results

  1. nethubonline

    Resolved command line mbox_quota set unlimited wrongly

    Plesk version: Version 17.5.3 Update #18 OS: Windows 2012 Mail server: MailEnable 9.7.4 According to document here, command "plesk bin mail --update [email protected] -mbox_quota -1" should result in setting the default mailbox quota for its domain. mail: Mail Accounts However, it is not true...
  2. nethubonline

    Issue long time Anti-Virus scan for many recipients

    Just check again, the problem still exist in most updated version at this time......any schedule to fix the problem? Plesk Onyx 17.5.3 with drweb-bases-, CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611, x86_64
  3. nethubonline

    Issue long time Anti-Virus scan for many recipients

    Thanks IgorG, here are the details PRODUCT, VERSION, OPERATING SYSTEM, ARCHITECTURE Plesk Onyx 17.0.17 with drweb-bases-, CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611, x86_64 PROBLEM DESCRIPTION long time multiple Anti-Virus scan for many internal recipients STEPS TO...
  4. nethubonline

    Issue long time Anti-Virus scan for many recipients

    I confirm problem still exists on Plesk Onyx 17.0.17 wth dr.web anti-virus Can developer fix this?
  5. nethubonline

    Resolved Plesk Windows command services_plan - log-rotate not working

    Hi all, I tried to use "service_plan" command to create or update to enable log rotate , but it seems not working and I need to enable it for my service plan via Plesk web panel. Is my command wrong or something else? Thanks a lot. plesk bin service_plan -c "Plan A" -log-rotate true...
  6. nethubonline

    Plesk 12.5 Nginx starting failure in OpenVZ VM

    Under OpenVZ VM, Nginx starts getting failure because cannot bind to IP port 80, the reason is that the network is not yet fully started so that no IP configured during Nginx starting. Apr 6 15:45:43 c9 systemd: Starting Startup script for nginx service... Apr 6 15:45:43 c9 nginx: nginx: the...
  7. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay and other Parallels developer, I just tested Plesk 11.5.30 MU7, seems the problem still exists, I think you are hard working on this. I have some updates for this issue, don't know if it can help you to fix the problem in MU8 1. courier provides "authtest" for testing the module...
  8. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Understood, hope this can help to "play along" with other module and courier auth and we look forward to hearing new patch soon :)
  9. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay, I am not sure what is wrong with courier authlib, however the debug log shows "authpsa: auth_psa_common() callback returned -1", is it correct? Anyway, I just do one more test which can confirm something more. Environment: Plesk 11.5.30...
  10. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Nikolay, hahaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, yep, you are right, I think it should not show the internal interpreter error to user in the front end (laughing.................) Anyway, I will submit this to horde, maybe they can show a friendly error instead of PHP error, whatever...... However, if...
  11. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay, For more reference, below is the log (DEBUG_LOGIN=2) that I tested for "new courier-imap (4.13), courier-authlib (0.65), and new horde (Horde Version: 5.1.1, Imp [Mail]: H5 (6.1.2)), but I don't use authpsa because I am not using Plesk for this testing", you can see there will be...
  12. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay, Yeah, I confirmed that horde version does not generate any problem / error, however seems the new horde version check the IMAP more deeply. What I am testing is the new version (Horde Version: 5.1.1, Imp [Mail]: H5 (6.1.2)), and I am sure I installed this new horde correctly (under...
  13. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay, Thanks for your help. May I know which horde version you are testing? Is that one bundled with Plesk 11.5.30?
  14. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Hi Nikolay, Ok, let me explain. While I login with CORRECT password, there is no problem. While I login with WRONG password, horde should report "Login failed because your username or password was entered incorrectly.", however now I got PHP error "[Tue Jul 16 15:26:28 2013] [warn] [client...
  15. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Dear Nikolay, Thank you for your help. Sorry for the password, actually I modified the password in the log so that made you confuse. I just installed a fresh Plesk 11.5.30 CentOS 6 115130711.13 on CentOS release 6.4 (Final), and most updated Horde, the problem still persists. Below are all...
  16. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Thanks Nikolay, After turned on DEBUG_LOGIN=2 , I got log below Jul 16 11:23:04 plesktest2 courier-imapd: Connection, ip=[::1] Jul 16 11:23:04 plesktest2 courier-authdaemon: received auth request, service=imap, authtype=cram-md5 Jul 16 11:23:04 plesktest2 courier-authdaemon: authpsa: trying...
  17. nethubonline

    some custom php settings are ignored in panel.ini

    confirmed it has been fixed in Plesk 11.5
  18. nethubonline

    Plesk 11.5.30 bug - courier-imap module "authpsa"

    Users has upload their own horde to their own subscription hosting space, there is no problem on Plesk 11.0.9 . However upgraded to Plesk 11.5.30, while user enter wrong password to Horde, it shows error : Fatal error: Call to a member function write() on a non-object in...
  19. nethubonline

    some custom php settings are ignored in panel.ini

    bad..... no reply from Parallels ?
  20. nethubonline

    some custom php settings are ignored in panel.ini

    Why there is no reply from Parallels developer? This problem exists over 1 year already......