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  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.


  1. O

    Scheduled security scan with autofix

    Is there an option for scheduled daily/weekly security scan with autofix critical and/or recommended issues ?
  2. Kulturmensch

    Question postfix optimization

    Modifications of main.cf like adding special smtpd_recipient_restrictions in etc/postfix disappear after reboot (Ubuntu 18.04, Plesk Onyx 17.8.11 Update #29). How can I make this permanent?
  3. Edward Dekker

    Input Make your server more PCI compliant and update your TLS/Ciphersuites

    First, things first. To understand the complications of a failure by the ciphersuites do i update the web-server by the following commands for Plesk Onyx. Assuming that we use a SSH terminal. And we have to check up the web-server at all to show what kind of ciphersuite are used at the...
  4. Karim Kanoun

    Resolved Change Log Files Location

    Hi all, I'm new in Plesk, and I'm trying to harden a new Plesk installation on Windows 2012 R2. I need (to be compliant to CIS-CAT Benchmark) to move the plesk log file folder (%plesk_dir%\admin\logs) in another location (for example D:\PleskLogs). Is it a way to do so ? I searched the support...
  5. Host-Inkompetent

    Question Fail2Ban Configuration failed by \n

    Hi Pleskers, I write in moment a hardening Script for my work and im near finish. In moment I test the Script and found a Error that I cannot fix a day long. I generate the config like this: writeconfigs() { echo '[plesk-proftpd] ' | tee -a $REQ/fail2ban/jail.d/plesk.conf echo...
  6. O

    CentOS 7 hardening for plesk 12.5

    Hello there, I'm using CentOS 7, minimal install, and trying to harden it for the very first time. I'm insicure on what resources Plesk 12.5 needs. Among the others I have theese two service enabled: polkit.service dbus.service Anyone can tell me if theese are needed by plesk or I can safely...