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  1. S

    Issue Mounting in multiple disks to one domain results in permission denied 404 on webpage

    Hello, I got some help earlier this year with mounting in 3 NFS disks to a wordpress bedrock installation. https://talk.plesk.com/threads/mounting-in-multiple-disks-to-one-domain.365322/#post-910744 In essence the NFS disks got mounted in at /mnt/<directory> with only read permissions. I...
  2. S

    Resolved Mounting in multiple disks to one domain

    Hello! I haven't found a thread about my issue that seems to solve my need. To start off, i have set up a wordpress application in plesk with bedrock in the backend. Everything is basically up and running and seems a lot faster compared to the old hosting but i have an issue with mounted...
  3. Noam Harel

    Issue Mount to httpdocs

    Hi i want to have a plesk server that mount domain's httpdocs with httpdocs of another plesk server. is it possible? will it work? my goal is to create a 2 web servers that serve the website but they get their files and db from one backend server both behind load balancer, which enables more...