I try to find all mail accounts that are forwarded to certain domain
Since there is to my knowledge no command-line program for this, I look at the PSA database directly.
The query above lists all accounts where mail forwarding (a.k.a. redirect) is defined.
The trouble is that it does not catch if a forwarding address is inserted, but forwarding is switched off.
The DB field mail.redirect is always set to false.
Where do I need to look fort the extra info?
I try to find all mail accounts that are forwarded to certain domain
Since there is to my knowledge no command-line program for this, I look at the PSA database directly.
SELECT m.id,
concat(lower(m.mail_name), '@', lower(d.name)) as mailaddress,
(case when postbox = 'true' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS is_postbox,
count(r.id) as num_redirects,
group_concat(r.address) as redirects,
round (if(m.mbox_quota = -1, Limits.value, m.mbox_quota)/1024/1024) as 'mailquota',
sfp_action.value as spam_action,
sfp_required_score.value as spam_required_score
FROM mail m
LEFT JOIN domains d ON (m.dom_id = d.id)
LEFT JOIN accounts a ON (m.account_id = a.id)
LEFT JOIN Subscriptions ON (m.dom_id=Subscriptions.object_id)
LEFT JOIN SubscriptionProperties ON (Subscriptions.id=SubscriptionProperties.subscription_id AND SubscriptionProperties.name='limitsId')
LEFT JOIN Limits ON (Limits.id=SubscriptionProperties.value AND limit_name = 'mbox_quota')
LEFT JOIN mail_redir r ON (m.id = r.mn_id)
LEFT JOIN spamfilter sf ON (sf.username= concat(m.mail_name, "@", d.name))
LEFT JOIN spamfilter_preferences sfp_action ON (sf.id=sfp_action.spamfilter_id AND sfp_action.preference='action')
LEFT JOIN spamfilter_preferences sfp_required_score ON (sf.id=sfp_required_score.spamfilter_id AND sfp_required_score.preference='required_score')
ORDER BY d.name , mailaddress
The query above lists all accounts where mail forwarding (a.k.a. redirect) is defined.
The trouble is that it does not catch if a forwarding address is inserted, but forwarding is switched off.
The DB field mail.redirect is always set to false.
Where do I need to look fort the extra info?