Basic Pleskian
We upgraded server RAM to 16gb. Now the cache has more space to fluctuate.
But our swap is still used and we recieve swap usage alarms. Plesk recommends the swap storage to be 1/2 of the total ram space. So our swap needs to be 8GB.
I increased the swap by removing the current swap file: /dev/dm-1
Created new swap file:
Add swap file for boot include:
Activate new swap file
This all works fine and we now have an 8GB swap file.
But after a reboot I noticed the old swap is recreated and used next to the new swap file.
Where do I remove the old swap file (dev/dm-1) reference?
We upgraded server RAM to 16gb. Now the cache has more space to fluctuate.
But our swap is still used and we recieve swap usage alarms. Plesk recommends the swap storage to be 1/2 of the total ram space. So our swap needs to be 8GB.
I increased the swap by removing the current swap file: /dev/dm-1
swapoff /dev/dm-1
rm -f /dev/dm-1
Created new swap file:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=8192
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
Add swap file for boot include:
vi /etc/fstab
/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
Activate new swap file
swapon /swapfile
This all works fine and we now have an 8GB swap file.
But after a reboot I noticed the old swap is recreated and used next to the new swap file.
Where do I remove the old swap file (dev/dm-1) reference?