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Issue Laravel app cannot load vite scripts

Scarlet D.

New Pleskian
Server operating system version
Ubuntu 24.04
Plesk version and microupdate number
Hello everyone,

I've recently deployed a web-app using plesk Laravel toolkit, everything was working fine until I decided to open the builtin vite server which laravel uses to load my SASS files (in my case at least). I've followed every guide, and I reckon I did everything fine, vite server should work but I keep getting those pesky errors ranging from

GET https://localhost:5173/resources/sass/style.sass net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

When my vite.config.js is like this:

server: {
        host: 'localhost',
        https: {
            key: './ssl/key.pem',
            cert: './ssl/cert.pem',
        port: 5173,

This error

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID
(i've made self-sign certificates just to try it will work)

when my configs are like this

server: {
        host: 'dazzling-wescoff.148-251-8-46.plesk.page',
        https: {
            key: './ssl/key.pem',
            cert: './ssl/cert.pem',
        port: 5173,

and when I write
; the error is this

Mixed Content: The page at 'https://dazzling-wescoff.148-251-8-46.plesk.page/charactersheet/TTlSRnZZQlVWYkFZSFBBa1B0QmtXUT09' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://dazzling-wescoff.148-251-8-46.plesk.page:5173/resources/sass/style.sass'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

I cannot understand what's really at fault here, it's easy to configure vite on my local pc but when I try to deploy the vite server on plesk it just fails
Any help will be appreciated
Thanks in advance