Jack Stringer
New Pleskian
Error: Unable to obtain Let's Encrypt SSL certificate because of failed challenge for domain "site.org.uk":
Fetching http://site.org.uk/.well-known/acme-challenge/q2TXw47kDmcanV_tFJwa9lx2T2jbNbFMlYeJ-iothxg: Timeout
Trying to fix this issue. It has been running fine on the server for several months with no issues.
I have tried,
Turning off - Hosting Settings > Permanent SEO-safe 301 redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
Setting to use www. and not.
Deleting the Lets Encrypt certs (out of date ones)
Removing and Installing Lets Encrypt.
I can access the /.well-known/ folder from outside. This issue effects all domains on the VPS
I am using CentOS 6.9 (Final), Plesk Onyx Version 17.5.3 Update #16, last updated on Aug 1, 2017 04:37 PM, Let's Encrypt version 2.2.2-144
Only issue that recently reared its head was an issue with php sessions that was broken...fixed itself and now is broken again but not enough of a good to work out what the issue is. Setting it to a custom folder just ourside of httpdocs seems to make it work for php scripts on the website but the session folder requires manual intervention to clear out from time to time.