After the Migration od Domains from Plesk 7.1.7 to 7.5.1 (Suse 7.1) I have always the following notices....
Both of the servers have no Tomcat installed...
Migration beendet
Fehler bei der Migration
1. Execution of '/usr/local/psa/bin/tomcat.sh' '--set-status' 'true' '-domain' 'xxx.de' failed with the return code 1.
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml"
tomcatmng: Document /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml not parsed successfully
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml"
tomcatmng: Document /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml not parsed successfully
Unable to turn Tomcat Service on: Unable to install Tomcat vhost: tomcatmng: Document /var/tomcat4/conf/server.xml not parsed successfully
2. Failed deployment of domain xxx.de
Assertion failed: content.size()
Both of the servers have no Tomcat installed...