to begin with, I would like to thank you for your assistance!
I have to state more precisly, what happens on my devices, because the app is not completely broken:
The „Domains“ part is working, besides the „Dateien“ part (i think this means „files“, my native language is, and my devices are in german).
The other parts, (Infos, Ereignisse/Events, Dienste/Services, Mehr/More) are showing up the: „Eine neue Version der Erweiterung Mobile API ist verfügbar. Es wird dringend empfohlen sie zu installieren.“ message and after i tapped install(ieren) in the Info section, the (empty) infos are showing up for a very short moment and then the above named message comes up again.
>1. Completely re-install Plesk Mobile app and Plesk Mobile Center.
Did it twice and checked before re-install, that usr/local/psa/var/modules/plesk-mobile/ is empty
>2. Make sure the API connection is not blocked by the firewall.
Currently, firewall is not installed (only fail2ban and ModSecurity)
>3. Make sure the FTP allowing connection in passive mode.
Passive Ports (at etc/proftpd.d/55-passive-ports.conf) are enabled.
>4. If you are enabled IP Access Restrictions Management (in Tools&Settings), make sure the is added to the whitelist (it's not by default). The Plesk Mobile Center is using localhost for local API connections.t
Currently, Access Restrictions are not enabled
The only entry in /usr/local/psa/var/modules/plesk-mobile/MobileConnector.log :
May 30 11:20:28 (10189) [WARNING] [User] cli No cache database found, creating an empty one.
I have no concept, what to do now :-(
Best Regards