Regular Pleskian
I'm currently in the process of having this extension modified so that I can take advantage of same set delegation.
I've thought of a potential problem however and would like some outside input.
Let's say Server 1 has a couple hundred domains and I'm using the Route53 extension to sync all DNS zones to Amazon. Then I have a domain I need to migrate to Server 2 but I don't want this to go live yet. If the Route53 extension is installed on Server 2 then it will sync the DNS zone to Amazon making it go live regardless.
The above problem is assuming that Server 1 & 2 are using the same name server delegation sets. This is more desirable as name servers will be the same across all of my services.
I could alleviate this problem by making Server 2 use a different name server delegation set but this raises a problem if/when I'd need do a full server migration. For example: If many customers have their domain registration elsewhere, I'd have to rely on the customer to make the required name server changes; not as streamlined, the less changes the customer has to make the better.
What are your thoughts on this? How should I integrate Route53 without raising the problems I've mentioned above?
I've thought of a potential problem however and would like some outside input.
Let's say Server 1 has a couple hundred domains and I'm using the Route53 extension to sync all DNS zones to Amazon. Then I have a domain I need to migrate to Server 2 but I don't want this to go live yet. If the Route53 extension is installed on Server 2 then it will sync the DNS zone to Amazon making it go live regardless.
The above problem is assuming that Server 1 & 2 are using the same name server delegation sets. This is more desirable as name servers will be the same across all of my services.
I could alleviate this problem by making Server 2 use a different name server delegation set but this raises a problem if/when I'd need do a full server migration. For example: If many customers have their domain registration elsewhere, I'd have to rely on the customer to make the required name server changes; not as streamlined, the less changes the customer has to make the better.
What are your thoughts on this? How should I integrate Route53 without raising the problems I've mentioned above?