This is just a bug report. No help needed as it doesn´t seem to cause problems.
When I update servers via CLI autoinstaller, I always (afair) get this mysqldump error message:
There is no database "atmail" on any of our Plesk servers. Simple solution should be to first check if the DB exists before performing actions on it.
As a bonus, perhaps it would be possible to suppress the warning about mysql.event.
When I update servers via CLI autoinstaller, I always (afair) get this mysqldump error message:
Stopping psa... * Stopping Plesk engine pool manager sw-engine-fpm
-- Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly.
mysqldump: Got error: 1049: Unknown database 'atmail' when selecting the database
===> Cumulative APS controller database (apsc) upgrade has been started.
===> Cumulative upgrade of APS controller database has been completed.
===> Cumulative Plesk database upgrade (revertable stage) has been started.
===> Preparing Plesk database upgrade (revertable stage).
===> Cumulative upgrade of Plesk database (revertable stage) has been completed.
Reading package lists...
There is no database "atmail" on any of our Plesk servers. Simple solution should be to first check if the DB exists before performing actions on it.
As a bonus, perhaps it would be possible to suppress the warning about mysql.event.