Golden Pleskian
We're a recent new user of Plesk Onyx. We're quite happy with the way it works but always keen to learn more! The three major items that we are concerned with here, are supplied by OS / TP suppliers; Apache, OpenSSL & Nginx and our question is about updating them...
CentOS have recently released 7.4.1708 which we are now happily running our Plesk Onyx on, with no issues.
The CentOS release uses RHEL backport CVE fixes for Apache, so whilst retaining the 'Apache 2.4.6' version, we can still see the latest updates (Only the first reported item is shown here...) So Apache, we're pretty happy with how that's updated
The CentOS release also gave the long awaited update from OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013 to OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017 and this too, runs with no issues on our setup. So again with OpenSSL, we're pretty happy with how that's updated despite this not being 100% up to date yet (see OpenSSL extract below) becasue it's a huge leap forward from before. This upgrade allowed us to finally complete and check other setup changes elsewhere, so it was much appreciated.
That just leaves Nginx. We know that we can't upgrade it ourselves (Reference) and it won't just be a future yum upgrade
As we understand it, this can only be provided from Plesk themsleves via a new sw-nginx etc
This is a different request than THIS existing Plesk / Nginx one.
Work seems to be well underway at Nginx (Reference) so once finalisied & released, we assume this release will then be tested by Plesk & once that's complete...Plesk Onyx will provide this nginx version as an upgrade...
Or....have we misunderstood completely?
CentOS have recently released 7.4.1708 which we are now happily running our Plesk Onyx on, with no issues.
The CentOS release uses RHEL backport CVE fixes for Apache, so whilst retaining the 'Apache 2.4.6' version, we can still see the latest updates (Only the first reported item is shown here...) So Apache, we're pretty happy with how that's updated
# rpm -q --changelog httpd
* Tue Aug 15 2017 CentOS Sources <[email protected]> - 2.4.6-67.el7.centos.2
- Remove index.html, add centos-noindex.tar.gz
- change vstring
- change symlink for poweredby.png
- update welcome.conf with proper aliases
The table below lists the latest releases for every branch
Note: The latest stable version is the 1.1.0 series.
The 1.0.2 series is our Long Term Support (LTS) release, supported until 31st December 2019.
The 0.9.8, 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 versions are now out of support and should not be used.
KBytes Date File
5239 2017-May-25 13:09:51 openssl-1.0.2l.tar.gz (SHA256) (PGP sign) (SHA1)
5154 2017-May-25 13:09:51 openssl-1.1.0f.tar.gz (SHA256) (PGP sign) (SHA1)
1457 2017-May-24 18:01:01 openssl-fips-2.0.16.tar.gz (SHA256) (PGP sign) (SHA1)
1437 2017-May-24 18:01:01 openssl-fips-ecp-2.0.16.tar.gz (SHA256) (PGP sign) (SHA1)
That just leaves Nginx. We know that we can't upgrade it ourselves (Reference) and it won't just be a future yum upgrade
This is a different request than THIS existing Plesk / Nginx one.
Work seems to be well underway at Nginx (Reference) so once finalisied & released, we assume this release will then be tested by Plesk & once that's complete...Plesk Onyx will provide this nginx version as an upgrade...
Or....have we misunderstood completely?