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Instruction A script to change the IP addresses of all hosts of a domain for migration 2.0

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This tool updates domain DNS entries in PLESK in bulk.
To use it, simply specify the domain name, and the IP addresses of your (new) server.

New Version:
* Permits multiple IP addresses separated by commas (The first ip4 and ip6 are used for all records except SPF; all IP's are used for the SPF)
* Permits IPv6 addresses to be entered

To accomodate this change, a new parameter was added to the command line:

Usage: change-dns-records.rexx domain newip4[,newip4,...] [newip6,[newip6,....]] [OK]

If there is no ipv6 address, simply enter a single dot in its place.

change-dns-records.rexx kalfaoglu.net, .
change-dns-records.rexx kalfaoglu.net 2a01:4f9:5a:105f:: OK
change-dns-records.rexx kalfaoglu.net . OK

Omit the OK parameter first, to see what it will do.. running the script without the OK parameter shows the commands that will be executed, but does not execute them.