# Clear any existing queue file
> rxqueue.txt
# Find all access_log files under /var/www/vhosts and add them to the queue file
find /var/www/vhosts/system -name access_*_log > rxqueue.txt
# Temporary file to store sizes and paths
> size_output.txt
# Process each entry in the queue file
while IFS= read -r r; do
# Get the size of each file using the 'stat' command
size=$(stat -c '%s' "$r")
# Convert size to appropriate unit
if [ "$size" -ge 1073741824 ]; then
# Size is 1 GB or more
size_human=$(echo "scale=2; $size/1073741824" | bc)G
elif [ "$size" -ge 1048576 ]; then
# Size is 1 MB or more
size_human=$(echo "scale=2; $size/1048576" | bc)M
elif [ "$size" -ge 1024 ]; then
# Size is 1 KB or more
size_human=$(echo "scale=2; $size/1024" | bc)K
# Size is in bytes
# Output size and file path to temporary file
echo "$size $size_human $r" >> size_output.txt
done < rxqueue.txt
# Sort by size (numeric, ascending) and print with human-readable units and paths
sort -n size_output.txt | awk '{print $2, $3}'
# Clean up temporary files
rm rxqueue.txt size_output.txt
# End of the script