• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Search results

  1. Mikhail_S

    Resolved How to install "Installing Plesk Migrator" on Plesk 18.x / Debian 10?

    Hello @jmar83 First of all, I would like to note that the documentation seems to be a bit outdated. It definitely has to be updated. The menu item is Updates (it was called Updates & Upgrades): It will open a new window: Migrator will be there: However, it can be installed easier...
  2. Mikhail_S

    Resolved Plesk CLI: list service plans

    Hello @pmg The utility plesk bin service_plan does not have the option to list all the plans. However, they can be fetched from the database: # plesk db "select id,name,owner_id,type from Templates" +----+------------------+----------+----------+ | id | name | owner_id | type |...
  3. Mikhail_S

    Question How to Download latest Backup via FTP

    For this specific configuration, this seems to be the easiest way. Otherwise, I would say you could consider configuring scheduled backup to remote storage. You said NAS is not available 24/7. However, you might configure it to be available just for the time when the backup is started. This...
  4. Mikhail_S

    Question How to Download latest Backup via FTP

    I would suggest using the CLI utility. That would help to optimize and automate the process How to download a large backup file from Plesk
  5. Mikhail_S

    Question How to Download latest Backup via FTP

    All the backups are stored inside the directory /var/lib/psa/dumps. Thus, you need either to take the necessary backup from there before downloading or to make this directory available directly.
  6. Mikhail_S

    Question How to Download latest Backup via FTP

    Hello @L. Hagen It is possible to configure SFTP access to a Plesk server under a subscription. Some details can be found here: How to grant a Subscription or Domain user SSH/SFTP access to its home directory in Plesk? Also, it is mentioned under this forum thread: How to setup a SFTP account...
  7. Mikhail_S

    Issue dist-upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04 mySQL FAIL

    Hello @iWiLL In general, I would recommend restoring the server from a backup/snapshot. Then, you will be able to replace MySQL with MariaDB and start dist-upgrade from scratch. Replacing MySQL with MariaDB in Plesk As for the existing issue, it seems MySQL could get non-configured. There is...
  8. Mikhail_S

    Resolved ext.catalog.plesk.space: Connection refused

    Hello @Mark_NLD I guess the server still has some old paths configured. This host is not available anymore. Please check the configuration in /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/panel.ini. There should be something like this: [extensions] catalog.url="https://ext.catalog.plesk.space" You can just remove...
  9. Mikhail_S

    Resolved Postfix SRS default domain

    Hello @federicosayd The SRS configuration is predefined and can not be changed. Moreover, Plesk configures this feature automatically so there are no available options (in both GUI and CLI) that could be adjusted. Note: Altering the SRS configuration might lead to issues with blacklisting. I...
  10. Mikhail_S

    Issue Obsidian 18.0.61 delete subscription/ API call slow

    Hello @apo208 Another known issue is when the Task Manager itself gets stuck from time to time. This case is described here: Tasks in Plesk are never executed and stuck as new: Cannot fetch process properties I would assume the second issue is also related. Since the operations create tasks...
  11. Mikhail_S

    Question Adjusting mysql innodb_page_size global variable. Implications?

    Hello @Paul Larson In general, the value of 16K should be enough for most of the databases. As the first step, the existing databases should be checked. Probably, they are not optimized and there is no reason to alter the configuration. I would note that it is definitely not recommended to...
  12. Mikhail_S

    Resolved Mass auto-reply

    Hello @Djabber Could you please share more details? In general, auto-responders send replies to every email address that reaches the mailbox with the enabled feature. If the questions is about managing multiple mailboxes at once (enable/disable the feature), it can be done by using the CLI...