• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Search results

  1. J

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade via Plesk

    Yess! Everything seems to be fine.
  2. J

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade via Plesk

    Hi Kaspar, I don't see any updates in Plesk. It works for a while now. I don't know if Syncing System has need to be done too. I simply will try to reboot the system.
  3. J

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade via Plesk

    Hi Kaspar, many thanks that worked! Syncing system components also needed?
  4. J

    Resolved MariaDB Upgrade via Plesk

    Hi, I did an update via Plesk to MariaDB 10.11.8 Everything went smooth but than it started with Upgrading the structure of all tables. Step 1 of 8 For more than an hour, the upgrade now pauses at wp_jphpb.i9dW2P_actionscheduler_logs Should I just keep waiting now or is there a way to fix this...