• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here


  1. C

    Question Logging rewrites

    Hi, Is there a simple way to turn on/access rewrite logging on apache/nginx? I'm trying to get to the bottom of random 404's and and other random redirects that sometimes work, sometimes not through the same steps and need to enable log debug/level6-8 but cant find a simple way. SSH'ing in and...
  2. O

    Question Remove .php and .html from url nginx

    Hello, Help please to make work both rules with and without (php and html) prefix from url in nginx/fpm I add this rules in web server configuration in control panel: if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/([^\.]+)$ /$1.php break; } if (!-e $request_filename){ rewrite ^/([^\.]+)$...
  3. T

    Issue PHP Scripts called from Alias not parsing

    I've some problems with htaccess's attributes named Alias and RewriteRule. This script was added in additional instructions for http/s on my vhost example1.com: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /usr/share/psa-horde/rpc.php [L,QSA] ... Alias /testme-int...
  4. A

    Question NGINX Rewrite Problem on Wordpress

    Hi everyone, A kind of strange problem: Wordpress subpages works with and without trailing slash. They should always end with a trailing slash (Wordrpess do this already, but it's possbile to enter the same page without the slash). Here my additional nginx directives: fastcgi_read_timeout...
  5. U

    Issue Installing gitweb on Plesk

    I have a git server running on a LInux VPS (Ubuntu 14.04) with Plesk 12.5.30. To access the git repos I do git clone git@<server>:/myrepo.git This requires an SSH public key to the server. I would like to install gitweb so I can clone using the http protocol. git clone...
  6. Schoelje

    Resolved Plesk Onyx and Plone 5.1 rewrite not working

    My server: ‪Debian 8.10‬ (Jessie) Plesk: Onyx 17.8.11 Update #4 Plone: version 5.1 I have a working domain with SSL (Let's Encrypt) and a working Plone site. I made sure all modules were enabled according to: Apache — Plone Documentation v5.1 Only proxy_http needed to be enabled. I've created...
  7. Maggew.com

    Resolved Is there an URL Rewrite Module?

    Where can I find the Windows Plesk URL Rewrite module? I wish to redirect thedomain.com/login to thedomain.com:8443 and I thought something like this would be available in the browser. I even search all the subpages in the Tools & Settings area too. Maybe I overlooked it...
  8. D

    Issue Problem with vhost / redirect all Subdomains

    Hi, i want every Domain on the Server i.e.: autoconfig.<customerdomain>.de to be automatically apply to my Plesks Hostname httpdocs Folder. Example Code which i played arround with. <VirtualHost *:80> #Must be the first Virtual host ServerAdmin [email protected] ServerName www...
  9. R

    Issue https to http redirect

    Hiya, Running Plesk 12.5.30 Update #40 and have a number of domains hosted. I have had particular issues getting an SSL cert to work for this domain blog.starwheelastrology.com I am running wordpress on it. I have migrated a wordpress blog from wordpress.com to self-hosted and as the DNS...
  10. A

    SSL with Lets Encrypt, how to force SSL on entire site

    Hi all, I have set up my first Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on my site and can access the site via SSL. What is the best way to force the use of https? Is there a way to set this from within plesk at the moment? I have added a redirect to my web.config and this seems to work OK but want to...
  11. gennolo

    Enabling php-fpm + nginx and link rewrite

    I recently switched some customer domains from php-cgi (apache served) to php-fpm (nginx served with apache as reverse proxy using the plesk-php56 package). Everything went flawlessly and I had a great boost of performance - but I have an issue with url rewriting that is driving me crazy. I...
  12. A

    Nginx + Plesk + Hotlinking

    Hi, I have a problem with Nginx+ Plesk. I need to stop hotlinkers from embedding pictures from my server, and I use Plesk functionality to add Nginx directive, like this: location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ { valid_referers none blocked server_names *.example.com...