In another thread I already explained the difficulty of adding CNAME DNS-records with a target containing an underscore.
This is exactly what you need to do when you want to implement Microsoft's DKIM-solution.
For Microsoft you need to add 2 CNAMES and their names can be quite cryptic.
To ease all that out I created a script to do this for me.
You can't use the Plesk's GUI anyhow because of the bug, so let's crack some more if we're at it.
The script doesn't need parameters normally.
It will scan all the domains you're doing authorative DNS for and will only act upon domains with an MX containing ""
For these domains it tries to guess the name that Microsoft gave it for internal usage.
They should have gone for "" becomes "", alas they went for something less strict.
My script will try to sort it out by trying several combinations.
If it is able to find out the name of the DKIM-target it will check it for validity and create the 2 needed selectors (selector1._domainkey & selector2._domainkey)
If the script is unable to resolve the internal name, you can give this as a parameter to the script.
The script will then try that as a last resort for each domain, but that will not be able to give any conflict.
When it comes to the appropriate domain it will be successful.
cat /usr/local/sbin/office365-dkim
This is exactly what you need to do when you want to implement Microsoft's DKIM-solution.
For Microsoft you need to add 2 CNAMES and their names can be quite cryptic.
To ease all that out I created a script to do this for me.
You can't use the Plesk's GUI anyhow because of the bug, so let's crack some more if we're at it.
The script doesn't need parameters normally.
It will scan all the domains you're doing authorative DNS for and will only act upon domains with an MX containing ""
For these domains it tries to guess the name that Microsoft gave it for internal usage.
They should have gone for "" becomes "", alas they went for something less strict.
My script will try to sort it out by trying several combinations.
If it is able to find out the name of the DKIM-target it will check it for validity and create the 2 needed selectors (selector1._domainkey & selector2._domainkey)
If the script is unable to resolve the internal name, you can give this as a parameter to the script.
The script will then try that as a last resort for each domain, but that will not be able to give any conflict.
When it comes to the appropriate domain it will be successful.
cat /usr/local/sbin/office365-dkim
tty >/dev/null || HEADLESS=true
THISSCRIPT="`readlink -f $0`"
[ -z "${SCRIPTNAME}" ] && SCRIPTNAME=${0##*/}
ONMICROSOFT="`echo "$*" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z]' | egrep -o "[a-z0-9-]+\.onmicrosoft\.com" | head -n1`"
if [ ! -d "${NAMED_FOLDER}" ] ; then
echo "the folder ${NAMED_FOLDER} does not exist, quitting"
exit 1
# Extract all the authorative domains and filter out subdomain-, local- and arpa-records
grep 'SOA' ${NAMED_FOLDER}/* | awk -F: '{print $1}' | awk -F/ '{print $6}' | egrep -v '(local|arpa|.+\..+\..+)' | sort >${TMP1}
while read DOMAIN ; do
MX="`host -t mx ${DOMAIN} localhost | grep -o 'is handled by .*' 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $5}' | grep "" `"
if [ -n "${MX}" ] ; then
echo ${DOMAIN}
SUBDOMAIN="`echo "${MX}" | sed 's/*//g'`"
TXT="`host -t txt selector1._domainkey.${DOMAIN} localhost 2>&1 | grep -o "descriptive text .*" | grep -o "v=DKIM" | sed 's/\\\//g' | head -n1`"
if [ -n "${TXT}" ] ; then
echo "${DOMAIN} already has an Office365 DKIM record"
SELECTOR="`echo "${MX}" | sed 's/*//g'`"
ONMICROSOFTCOM="`echo ${DOMAIN} | sed 's/\./-/g' | cut -b1-17`"
while [ $N -le 4 ] ; do
[ ${HEADLESS} ] || echo "$N. ${DOMAIN} Check ${TXTRECORD}"
TXT="`host -t txt ${TXTRECORD} 2>/dev/null`"
if echo "${TXT}" | grep -q "DKIM1" ; then
let N+=1
[ $N -eq 2 ] && ONMICROSOFTCOM="`echo ${DOMAIN} | sed 's/\..*//g' | cut -b1-17`"
[ $N -eq 3 ] && SELECTOR="`echo ${DOMAIN} | sed 's/\.//g'`"
[ $N -eq 4 ] && ONMICROSOFTCOM="`echo ${DOMAIN} | sed 's/\./-/g' | cut -b1-17`"
if [ ! ${FOUND_ONMICROSOFTCOM} ] && [ -n "${ONMICROSOFT}" ] ; then
SELECTOR="`echo "${MX}" | sed 's/*//g'`"
TXT="`host -t txt selector1-${SELECTOR}._domainkey.${ONMICROSOFT} 2>/dev/null`"
if echo "${TXT}" | grep -q "DKIM1" ; then
ONMICROSOFTCOM="`echo "${ONMICROSOFT}" | sed 's/'`"
echo "${DOMAIN} create 2 CNAMES to DKIM-record @ ${ONMICROSOFTCOM}"
/usr/local/psa/bin/dns --add ${DOMAIN} -cname selector1._domainkey -canonical selector1-${SELECTOR}._domainkey.${ONMICROSOFTCOM}
/usr/local/psa/bin/dns --add ${DOMAIN} -cname selector2._domainkey -canonical selector2-${SELECTOR}._domainkey.${ONMICROSOFTCOM}
echo "${DOMAIN} Unable to find DKIM-record @ ${ONMICROSOFTCOM}"
rm ${TMP1}
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