Hi guys,
I have installed atmail through yum install psa-atmail the install was successful.
I can enable atmail in the admin server settings and change whether atmail is used for each email account. When enabled for an email account and after clicking "open webmail" from the plesk panel a new window opens up, instead of the sign in fields the browser receives a "save as" on the file "index.php". This is contents of the file:
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Atmail through yum, each time restarting apache and I am still receiving the same behavior. Any help or advice would be really appreciated, thank you!
I have installed atmail through yum install psa-atmail the install was successful.
I can enable atmail in the admin server settings and change whether atmail is used for each email account. When enabled for an email account and after clicking "open webmail" from the plesk panel a new window opens up, instead of the sign in fields the browser receives a "save as" on the file "index.php". This is contents of the file:
// +----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | index.php |
// | Function: Open the signup screen and newuser page |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------+
// | AtMail Open - Licensed under the Apache 2.0 Open-source License|
// | http://opensource.org/licenses/apache2.0.php |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------+
// Check for system installation
if (!file_exists('libs/Atmail/Config.php'))
// Check again for system installation, just in case Config.php
// was manually created
if (!$pref['installed'])
/** For future use
if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mode'])) {
$file = $_REQUEST['mode'] . '.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
$var = array();
if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MSIE') !== false)
$var['browser'] = "ie";
$var['browser'] = "ns";
$atmail = new AtmailGlobal();
$var['func'] = $_REQUEST['func'];
$var['version'] = $pref['version'];
if (!$atmail->Language)
$atmail->Language = $atmail->param('Language');
// If the user if logging off, print a cookie header with
// a blank SessionID. Delete the Session for the DB too
if ( $var['func'] == "logout" )
$auth =& $atmail->getAuthObj();
// Find the users current settings, if to delete the trash on logout
$atmail->username = $auth->username;
$atmail->pop3host = $auth->pop3host;
$atmail->SessionID = $auth->SessionID;
if (!$pref['opensource']) {
$var['ErrorHead'] = $atmail->parse("html/$atmail->Language/msg/logoff.html");
$var['ErrorHead'] .= "<script language='Javascript'>window.focus();</script>";
// clear tmp directory
if ($handle = opendir($pref['install_dir'].'/tmp/')) {
while (false !== ($file_name = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file_name != "." && $file_name != ".." && $file_name != '.htaccess' && is_file($file_name)) {
if (strtotime("+ 180 seconds") > fileatime($file_name)) {
// If we have expunge on logout ( e.g PDMF IMAP server)
if($pref['expunge_logout'] == '1') {
$atmail->status = $auth->getuser( $atmail->SessionID );
$mail = new GetMail(array(
'Username' => $atmail->username,
'Pop3host' => $atmail->pop3host,
'Password' => $auth->password,
'Mode' => $atmail->Mode,
'Type' => $atmail->MailType)
if($atmail->MailType == 'imap') {
$folders = $mail->listfolders();
// Create a new folder-tree element
// Loop through each of the folders
foreach ($folders as $folder)
$var['Ajax'] = '1';
$var['error'] = $_REQUEST['error'];
$atmail->LoginType = "simple";
$atmail->Ajax = '1';
$atmail->Language = 'english';
$atmail->FontStyle = 'Verdana';
$var['atmailstyle'] = $atmail->parse("html/$atmail->Language/simple/atmailstyle.css" );
$var['mailstyle'] = $atmail->parse("html/$atmail->Language/simple/atmailstyle-mail.css");
$var['func'] = 'login';
$atmail->FromField = 'me';
print $atmail->parse("html/$atmail->Language/simple/showmail_interface.html", $var);
function redirectToInstaller()
if (!file_exists('install/index.php')) {
die('your @Mail system has not yet been configured');
header('Location: install/');
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Atmail through yum, each time restarting apache and I am still receiving the same behavior. Any help or advice would be really appreciated, thank you!