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Question Best practice to set up mailserver


Basic Pleskian
I hope someone can point me in te right direction regarding mail server settings in Plesk Onyx.

I have a VPS with Plesk Onyx on it used for hosting several domains for my customers. I would like these customers to be able to use secured mail server.

I see I can set Mail Certificate in Onyx now, but how do I set things up for that to work properly. My customers now use following servers to use mail:

mail.domainname.com is this the correct approach to make them use the certificate of the mailserver?

I want to avoid these error messages for my customers:
Message: The server you are connected to is using a security certificate that cannot be verified. The target principal name is incorrect.

I short does anybody know a good tutorial on how to setup secured mail on a Plesk Server.

Ok, thank you! So actually no solution yet for things I want to achieve:

@virtubox , @mr-wolf ,

Thanks for your comments.

Just to make sure people reading this post understand the current, as of July 2017, situation :

Man CAN protect their webmail using Let's Encrypt certificate with the current Plesk add-on.
Man CANNOT protect their mail server (pop/imap/smtp) for multiple domains using the Let's Encrypt certificate on current Pesk Implementation.

And We (at AmaZili) are actively looking for a solution to use Let's Encrypt certificates for pop/Imap/smtp servers.

Again thanks for your comments and clarification.
