We have a website under httpdocs/. We can change/delete files with a ftp user : "ftpold". All is ok.
We must create another ftp access for another company which can access only to httpdocs directory (not to logs/, error_docs/...).
So we have create a ftp access in Plesk.
But with this ftp connexion, we can not update/delete files ou update rights.
So we decide to change rights on the files/directories under httpdocs with the new ftp access :
httpdocs# chown -R ftpnewsacln *
The is no errors but the files:directories are always with the old ftp user :
httpdocs# ls -l
ftpold psacln ... libs/
ftpold pscln ... index.php
Why ? How can i create another ftp access ? Thank a lot for your help.
We have a website under httpdocs/. We can change/delete files with a ftp user : "ftpold". All is ok.
We must create another ftp access for another company which can access only to httpdocs directory (not to logs/, error_docs/...).
So we have create a ftp access in Plesk.
But with this ftp connexion, we can not update/delete files ou update rights.
So we decide to change rights on the files/directories under httpdocs with the new ftp access :
httpdocs# chown -R ftpnewsacln *
The is no errors but the files:directories are always with the old ftp user :
httpdocs# ls -l
ftpold psacln ... libs/
ftpold pscln ... index.php
Why ? How can i create another ftp access ? Thank a lot for your help.