I ordered my first vserver from www.hoststar.ch. The Plesk installation was successfull. Now I have the problem I can`t connect to the website. If I try the ip everything is fine but if I ping the domain I got a diffrent ip. I tried grep to find out if the ip adress is somewhere at the server but there is nothing. nameserver ns1.domain.ch ns2.domain.ch are right. Is there anything I forgot? Its a ubuntu server. Sorry its my first server
I ordered my first vserver from www.hoststar.ch. The Plesk installation was successfull. Now I have the problem I can`t connect to the website. If I try the ip everything is fine but if I ping the domain I got a diffrent ip. I tried grep to find out if the ip adress is somewhere at the server but there is nothing. nameserver ns1.domain.ch ns2.domain.ch are right. Is there anything I forgot? Its a ubuntu server. Sorry its my first server