• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the next Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Cannot find php.ini file


New Pleskian

I recently migrated to Plesk 11.5, and now I am getting this error message (Error uploading file../downloads/s3cur3f0ld3r/test-copy.pdf) every time I try to upload a file.

I am using the customer panel version for Plesk, and under PHP settings > Common settings that is what the settings look like.

safe_mode = off
safe_mode_include_dir = Default
safe_mode_exec_dir = Default
include_path = Default
session.save_path = Default
mail.force_extra_parameters = Default
register_globals = Default
open_basedir = {WEBSPACEROOT}/:{TMP}/
error_reporting = Default
display_errors = Default
log_errors = Default
allow_url_fopen = Default
file_uploads = on
short_open_tag = Default
magic_quotes_gpc = Default

Is there any other settings that need to be set to on to fix the error?

Also, I looked up for the php.ini file to check if the file_uploads directive is set to ON, but I cannot find php.ini anywhere.

Where do I find the php.ini file in Plesk?

Thanks in advance.