New Pleskian
I am looking for a way to automate the creation of a new domain, along with a Lets Encrypt SSL, and a copy of the main Database - all from a single PHP script..
At the moment, when we get a new client, I log into SSH and run this....
plesk bin domain -c -webspace-name -dns false -mail_service false -www-root httpdocs
&& plesk bin extension --exec letsencrypt cli.php -d -m [email protected]
&& MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysqldump -u admin default_database > /tmp/default_db_tmp.sql
&& plesk bin database -c new_database -domain -type mysql
&& MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -u admin new_database < /tmp/default_db_tmp.sql
But ideally I would like it to run automatically.
I've tried running it in an exec() command, tried getting around various permissions issues, and also run into an issue where nginx or apache restarts when a new domain is added - but im not getting anywhere.
Has anyone managed to do this?
At the moment, when we get a new client, I log into SSH and run this....
plesk bin domain -c -webspace-name -dns false -mail_service false -www-root httpdocs
&& plesk bin extension --exec letsencrypt cli.php -d -m [email protected]
&& MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysqldump -u admin default_database > /tmp/default_db_tmp.sql
&& plesk bin database -c new_database -domain -type mysql
&& MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -u admin new_database < /tmp/default_db_tmp.sql
But ideally I would like it to run automatically.
I've tried running it in an exec() command, tried getting around various permissions issues, and also run into an issue where nginx or apache restarts when a new domain is added - but im not getting anywhere.
Has anyone managed to do this?