roberto bruzzese
New Pleskian
In the last few days I have noticed that if a wrong url is written in my domain , a redirection to the custom error pages does not follow. Perhaps something happened in the last update. So I have rewritten the custom error page directives in my apache as follow:
Alias /custom_error_pages /var/www/vhosts/
ErrorDocument 400 /bad_request.html;
ErrorDocument 401 /unauthorized.html;
ErrorDocument 403 /forbidden.html;
ErrorDocument 404 /custom_error_pages/not_found.html;
ErrorDocument 405 /method_not_allowed.html;
ErrorDocument 406 /not_acceptable.html;
ErrorDocument 407 /proxy_authentication_required.html;
ErrorDocument 412 /precondition_failed.html;
ErrorDocument 414 /request-uri_too_long.html;
ErrorDocument 415 /unsupported_media_type.html;
ErrorDocument 500 /internal_server_error.html;
ErrorDocument 501 /not_implemented.html;
ErrorDocument 502 /bad_gateway.html;
ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html;
I have created the new directory /custom_error_pages and written the files inside. But that still is not working and the result is a wrong page as the following attached.
Alias /custom_error_pages /var/www/vhosts/
ErrorDocument 400 /bad_request.html;
ErrorDocument 401 /unauthorized.html;
ErrorDocument 403 /forbidden.html;
ErrorDocument 404 /custom_error_pages/not_found.html;
ErrorDocument 405 /method_not_allowed.html;
ErrorDocument 406 /not_acceptable.html;
ErrorDocument 407 /proxy_authentication_required.html;
ErrorDocument 412 /precondition_failed.html;
ErrorDocument 414 /request-uri_too_long.html;
ErrorDocument 415 /unsupported_media_type.html;
ErrorDocument 500 /internal_server_error.html;
ErrorDocument 501 /not_implemented.html;
ErrorDocument 502 /bad_gateway.html;
ErrorDocument 503 /maintenance.html;
I have created the new directory /custom_error_pages and written the files inside. But that still is not working and the result is a wrong page as the following attached.