Hi All,
Well it has been almost a year before we noticed the daily maintenance script was failing. Until then, we assumed it (the things that never updated) was just things we had to deal with since we are on a Tier 3 OS...
We are running: 10.4.4 Update #49, Ubuntu 10.4.4-32bit...
Right now (after solving many other issues myself) the script fails with some tomcat errors. Now we never wanted tomcat on here, and somehow it is. I would like to start addressing this issue with the removal of tomcat.
So I run the script as root (#/opt/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php)
About 30-90 minutes I get this mess:
On top of this, many clients get suspended for overuse and they are no where near their limits.
Of course, we expect this to exit with a report or silence, not an error. At this point, I can reproduce this every time.
As for additional information, this instance is running in side an openVZ container and I have a lot of errors when running the Database Checker. And I believe we started with Plesk8, in the years, we have upgraded, migrated and even upgraded the OS and moved everyone back over with many issues along the way.
I know a simple removal of tomcat will not fix this, and it looks like anything integrated with Plesk does not want to be removed by any practical means.
Well it has been almost a year before we noticed the daily maintenance script was failing. Until then, we assumed it (the things that never updated) was just things we had to deal with since we are on a Tier 3 OS...
We are running: 10.4.4 Update #49, Ubuntu 10.4.4-32bit...
Right now (after solving many other issues myself) the script fails with some tomcat errors. Now we never wanted tomcat on here, and somehow it is. I would like to start addressing this issue with the removal of tomcat.
So I run the script as root (#/opt/psa/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php)
About 30-90 minutes I get this mess:
PleskUtilException: /opt/psa/admin/bin/tomcatmng '--status' failed with message: Tomcat is not installed: Unable to find tomcat server config /var/lib/tomcat6//conf/server.xml
file: /opt/psa/admin/plib/common_func.php3
line: 1065
code: 0
trace: #0 /opt/psa/admin/plib/class.ServiceControl.php(294): util_exec('tomcatmng', Array, Array, 'lst')
#1 /opt/psa/admin/plib/class.ServiceControl.php(874): ServiceControl->getServiceStatus('tomcat')
#2 /opt/psa/admin/plib/class.DSTomcat.php(162): ServiceControl->isTomcatRunning()
#3 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Domain.php(1931): DSTomcat->turnOff()
#4 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Domain.php(1995): Domain->_setTomcatStatus(2)
#5 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Domain.php(306): Domain->_setServicesStatus(2)
#6 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Domain.php(239): Domain->turnOffUnix('0', 2)
#7 /opt/psa/admin/plib/BsDomain.php(841): Domain->turnOff(2)
#8 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Webspace.php(692): BsDomain->turnOff(2)
#9 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Webspace.php(643): Webspace->_turnOffSites()
#10 /opt/psa/admin/plib/Webspace.php(739): Webspace->setStatus(256)
#11 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/analyse-domain-statistics.php(233): Webspace->turnOff(256)
#12 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/analyse-domain-statistics.php(123): DMTAnalyseDomainStatistics->turnDomainOff(Object(BsDomain), 256)
#13 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/analyse-domain-statistics.php(78): DMTAnalyseDomainStatistics->onDomainExpired(Object(BsDomain), Array)
#14 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/analyse-domain-statistics.php(37): DMTAnalyseDomainStatistics->processDomains(Object(ObjectNameFilter))
#15 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/TaskRunner.php(74): DMTAnalyseDomainStatistics->run(Array)
#16 /opt/psa/admin/plib/DailyMaintainance/script.php(97): TaskRunner->run()
#17 {main}
[Sun, 28 Apr 2013 20:32:14 -0500] ! 0 Unable to load object of type PhDomain with id=106: Turn off domain failed: Unable to create ServiceControl object: Can't get daemon status from tomcatmng: Tomcat is not installed: Unable to find tomcat server config /var/lib/tomcat6//conf/server.xml
On top of this, many clients get suspended for overuse and they are no where near their limits.
Of course, we expect this to exit with a report or silence, not an error. At this point, I can reproduce this every time.
As for additional information, this instance is running in side an openVZ container and I have a lot of errors when running the Database Checker. And I believe we started with Plesk8, in the years, we have upgraded, migrated and even upgraded the OS and moved everyone back over with many issues along the way.
I know a simple removal of tomcat will not fix this, and it looks like anything integrated with Plesk does not want to be removed by any practical means.