• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

empties mails



Hello I has a large problem with my Plesk. The Mails those arrives is without contents and without reference. I have no notion which be could. Please around fast assistance, since I have approx. 200 customers with those the mailen any longer do not go.

How can I deinstalieren mailman???

To uninstall mailman, first issue the command to make sure you know what mailman version package you have:

rpm -q mailman

You should see something like:


Then just use rpm to uninstall:

rpm -e mailman-2.1.1-5
rpm -e mailman-2.1.1-7.legacy

As to your blank email problem, there was another thread about that just a few days ago:


If needed, you may also want to force a re-install of qmail. After the Plesk install, have you added or updated any other packages on the system??

Obviously it's a pre-existing system which I assume the email was working before, now suddenly it's not working. So the first thing would be to find out what changes to the server happened, such as software update/installs...
Thank you!!

Thank you!! Mailman is the version mailman 2.1.4-2.3.100mdk can it be that the error from there comes, or is it qmail problem.

The system administrator is in holidays, and I have entrance to my server, but I do not point as I qmail to install again can? Thank you to the professional Sascha
Thank you

Thank you!!
Thank you!! Mailman is the version mailman 2.1.4-2.3.100mdk can it be that the error from there comes, or is it qmail problem.

The system administrator is in holidays, and I have entrance to my server, but I do not point as I qmail to install again can? Thank you to the professional Sascha
QMAIL deinstall and install

Thank you, I mailman deinstaliert. It brought however nothing. Can you give me an advice as I qmail to be deinstallieren and again installed can? Thank you


from what i understand i have exactly the same problem.

last night my server was unreachable via network access it however, after logging in via the serial console, seemed to be running fine. i rebooted it, twice and waited - finally it seemed to be running ok again.

apparantly after this, every mail i get on any account of the server (no matter if it's imap/pop3 "stored" or forwarded to an external addess) is completely blank except for this being the raw message (nothing else in it):

From Tue Jul 12 10:27:34 2005
Return-Path: <[email protected]>
Delivered-To: [email protected]

i changed the addresses, of course. :p

the only "error" message i got so far, in the maillog:
Jul 12 12:18:34 p15173953 qmail: 1121167114.845499 delivery 48: success: /bin/sh:_line_1:_/usr/local/psa/bin/psa-spamc:_cannot_execute_binary_file/did_1+0+2/did_0+0+1/
Jul 12 12:18:34 p15173953 qmail: 1121167114.845627 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
Jul 12 12:18:34 p15173953 qmail: 1121167114.846662 end msg 21072480

does anybody have an idea what could be wrong? i'd really appreciate any help. thank you.
sternwart - my post about mailman was in answer to your direct question about how to uninstall/reinstall mailman, it did not address your regular mail problem (which has nothing to do with mailman - mailing list manager), but you did not post anything from your logs, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

honigferd - ahhh, now we have an actual log error to work with, wonderful!!!

There was another post at:


where one user (clydetech) found (by looking at the process list 'ps -ax') that he was running regular spamassassin instead of psa-spamassassin. Once he got that cleared up, the error went away and mail was again delivered with the fields not blank.
shame on me i didn't find it when searching.

thank you very much for the quick reply - it worked for me and saved my day. :)
No problem, searching is an art, many times requires finesse in getting the right search terms and such. I actually cheated and used Google search with the site: command instead of the built-in forum search...

Just for future reference, which exact thing(s) did you do which fixed your problem? Future readers may want to know. Was it the spamassassin vs psa-spamassassin?
psa-spamassassin was uninstalled and the .qmail files are still refering one of its binaries. Simply execute:

very dirty but simple solution:


was a binary file for me.
so i just changed the file with my favourite text-editor to look like this:


CALL_SPAMC="yes" # should spamc run?
MAX_SIZE=256000 # max letter size to filter

[ "no" = ${CALL_SPAMC} ] && cat - && exit 0

util="${SPAMC} -s ${MAX_SIZE}"

until [ -z "$1" ]; do util="${util} \"$1\""; shift; done

eval ${util}

rebooted the whole machine (to be safe) and my mails showed up like they should again.

however, one thing i realized so far, which has been discussed in the post you linked:
the mails don't get flagged by spamassassin anymore - but for now i couldn't care less, i will investigate this no the weekend.
aslong as my customers can actually receive mails again i'm satisfied.
Mail furnish newly (badly however effectively)

Thank you for your assistance!!

I could do a solving with that which I all Mails again furnished. It was the problem that somehow verkuepfung to the Mailusers any longer did not function.

Now I have a new question:
The RAM on the server within 24 H will grant fully = load 995 MB as soon as I the server start again has I again 330 MB load?? Does someone have a tip from you?? Unfortunately so well English cannot! But are at the lerning.

Many thanks Sascha