Regular Pleskian
I searched if someone write about this here on the forum, but I did not found.
I found magento guide how to set it, and I did it.
I mistaken password 5 times, but did not banned.
This is jail
and this is filter
I also tried with
and I append something similar with WP jail, just like this because I found it in the access logs
but again without success.
in the fail2ban logs, I see that fail2ban added those logs that I need, and I saw that fail2ban was restarted, but I was not banned.
I searched if someone write about this here on the forum, but I did not found.
I found magento guide how to set it, and I did it.
I mistaken password 5 times, but did not banned.
This is jail
enabled = true
filter = magento
action = iptables-allports[chain="INPUT", name="default", port="ssh", protocol="tcp", blocktype="REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable"]
sendmail[dest="[email protected]", sender="fail2ban", sendername="Fail2Ban", name="default"]
logpath = /var/www/vhosts/*/logs/access_*log
maxretry = 2
and this is filter
# Use this for "soft" bad behaviour, as the source will only be banned after multiple retries.
failregex = ^<HOST> .+"POST \S+(/downloader/|/downloader/index.php\?A=loggedin|/admin/index/|/admin/)\s
ignoreregex =
I also tried with
# Use this for "soft" bad behaviour, as the source will only be banned after multiple retries.
failregex = ^<HOST> .+"POST \S+wp-login.php
^<HOST> .+"(POST|GET) \S+/etc/passwd
^<HOST> .+"POST \S+(/downloader/|/downloader/index.php\?A=loggedin|/admin/index/|/admin/)\s
ignoreregex =
and I append something similar with WP jail, just like this because I found it in the access logs
^<HOST> .* "POST .*/admin HTTP/.*" 200
in the fail2ban logs, I see that fail2ban added those logs that I need, and I saw that fail2ban was restarted, but I was not banned.