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FTP Subaccount Import Problem


New Pleskian
I'm using the following commands to create a subdomain and import a FTP sub account from a csv file.

export PSA_PASSWORD="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f 2)"
echo "Done importing password: $PSA_PASSWORD"
/usr/local/psa/bin/ftpsubaccount --create $userName -domain server.edu -passwd '' -home /classes/$userName

According to the command-line guide, by setting the "PSA_PASSWORD" variable, I should be able to specify single quotes as the argument and it should work. The variables are populating correctly, as shown before the command is run. When the command runs, I get "Wrong syntax for command's '-passwd' parameter."

Any ideas?
Seems problem in line

export PSA_PASSWORD="$(echo $line | cut -d ',' -f 2)"

I have checked it with simple export and all works fine:

# export PSA_PASSWORD="123qwe"
# /usr/local/psa/bin/ftpsubaccount -c rrr -domain test.com -passwd ''
SUCCESS: Creation of FTP account 'rrr' completed.