- Server operating system version
- Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- Plesk Obsidian 18.0.68 Update #2 Web Host Edition
Hi All,
Recently the API call to the /databases endpoint is not working properly without a "domain" parameter.
It used to work without any issues before.
Having the ability to find if a database name already exists in the server is very beneficial as it allows you to create databases/domains etc remotely without conflicts.
Is there any other way to check if a string of database name already exists in the system?
URL: <serverurl>:8443/api/v2/databases
From my understanding it's a Fatal error on Plesk's API Files as the empty/non existent "domain" parameter is not handled properly.
Recently the API call to the /databases endpoint is not working properly without a "domain" parameter.
It used to work without any issues before.
Having the ability to find if a database name already exists in the server is very beneficial as it allows you to create databases/domains etc remotely without conflicts.
Is there any other way to check if a string of database name already exists in the system?
URL: <serverurl>:8443/api/v2/databases
"code": 0,
"message": "PleskX\\Api\\Operator\\Database::getAll(): Argument #1 ($field) must be of type string, null given, called in /opt/psa/admin/plib/modules/rest-api/v2/library/SDK/pm_Database.php on line 47"
From my understanding it's a Fatal error on Plesk's API Files as the empty/non existent "domain" parameter is not handled properly.