New Pleskian
- Server operating system version
- Ubuntu 24.04
- Plesk version and microupdate number
- v18.0.65_build1800241122.08
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.65_build1800241122.08 os_Ubuntu 24.04
On the functionality "Enable additional deploy actions" on the git deployment, the access to binaries and executables are very very limited making
almost impossible to use this functionality even if the user of the subscription as SSH (type /bin/bash).
When using the terminal the user has access to php, composer and node because there are in the $PATH :
Therefore a command like ``php bin/console cache:clear`` can be use.
the PATH provided to the deploys actions only contains ``/usr/bin:/bin`` (even if the user is still the same : verified with ``whoami``)
"theuser1" execute "make debugfromterminal" from the terminal. The output in debugfromterminal.txt is :
"theuser1" set the following command in the git deploy actions "make debugfromdeployactions" then manually (but also true on automatic) deploy. The output in debugfromdeployactions.txt is :
According Pablo A. from the plesk support team, on April 26, 2024 18:13 the bug has been identified as Git extension bug: EXTGIT-22:
This bug make impossible the auto deployment of framework application (eg symfony).
Plesk Obsidian v18.0.65_build1800241122.08 os_Ubuntu 24.04
On the functionality "Enable additional deploy actions" on the git deployment, the access to binaries and executables are very very limited making
almost impossible to use this functionality even if the user of the subscription as SSH (type /bin/bash).
When using the terminal the user has access to php, composer and node because there are in the $PATH :
Therefore a command like ``php bin/console cache:clear`` can be use.
the PATH provided to the deploys actions only contains ``/usr/bin:/bin`` (even if the user is still the same : verified with ``whoami``)
.PHONY: debugfromterminal debugfromdeployactions
@whoami > debugfromterminal.txt
@echo "${PATH}" >> debugfromterminal.txt
@which php >> debugfromterminal.txt
@php --version >> debugfromterminal.txt
@whoami > debugfromdeployactions.txt
@echo "${PATH}" >> debugfromdeployactions.txt
@which php >> debugfromdeployactions.txt
@php --version >> debugfromdeployactions.txt
"theuser1" execute "make debugfromterminal" from the terminal. The output in debugfromterminal.txt is :
/var/www/vhosts/the- subscription.com/.phpenv/shims/php
PHP 8.3.6 (cli) (built: Apr 12 2024 12:51:02) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.3.6, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v8.3.6, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
"theuser1" set the following command in the git deploy actions "make debugfromdeployactions" then manually (but also true on automatic) deploy. The output in debugfromdeployactions.txt is :
According Pablo A. from the plesk support team, on April 26, 2024 18:13 the bug has been identified as Git extension bug: EXTGIT-22:
Thanks to your help, this has been identified as a Git extension bug: EXTGIT-22. The observations you shared are entirely correct. Additional deployment actions are limited to the commands inside /usr/bin and /bin, and modifications of the PATH variable are ignored.
At the moment, there is no estimated time of a resolution from the development team,
This bug make impossible the auto deployment of framework application (eg symfony).
.PHONY: deploy
-composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
-composer dump-env prod
-php bin/console cache:clear