• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the next Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

help! plesk stopped working!


Basic Pleskian
I am using Plesk Web Admin Edition for VPS. I was adding a firewall rule in the Plesk interface, which I have done before without any problems, but this time when I clicked on "Activate", it was not able to reload the page, the Plesk service just seemed to have crashed. I opened up an SSH terminal session, checked "service plesk status" and it says:

● psa.service - LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities
 Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/psa)
 Active: failed (Result: resources) since mer 2015-08-26 15:58:20 CEST; 18min ago
 Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
 Process: 3748 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/psa start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

ago 26 15:58:18 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: Starting postgresql service... not installed
ago 26 15:58:18 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: Starting spamassassin service... done
ago 26 15:58:18 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: Plesk: Starting Mail Server... already started
ago 26 15:58:19 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
ago 26 15:58:19 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: done
ago 26 15:58:20 vps94844.ovh.net psa[3748]: Starting drwebd service... failed
ago 26 15:58:20 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: PID file /var/lib/sw-cp-server.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
ago 26 15:58:20 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities.
ago 26 15:58:20 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Unit psa.service entered failed state.
ago 26 15:58:20 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: psa.service failed.

Everything has worked fairly well for the past year, now all of a sudden it crashed and won't start again. If I try "service plesk start" or "service psa start" I get:

Job for psa.service failed. See "systemctl status psa.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

"systemctl status psa.service" gives me the same output as for "service plesk start", and "journalctl -xe" gives me:

ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities...
-- Subject: L'unità psa.service inizia la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità psa.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started LSB: starts Plesk engine.
-- Subject: L'unità sw-engine.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità sw-engine.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started LSB: Starts or stops the xinetd daemon..
-- Subject: L'unità xinetd.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità xinetd.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting xinetd service... done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started LSB: starts Plesk control panel server.
-- Subject: L'unità sw-cp-server.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità sw-cp-server.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting sw-cp-server service... done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started MySQL Community Server.
-- Subject: L'unità mysql.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità mysql.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting mysql service... done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started BIND Domain Name Server.
-- Subject: L'unità bind9.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità bind9.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting bind9 service... done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting postgresql service... not installed
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting spamassassin service... done
ago 26 16:18:08 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Plesk: Starting Mail Server... already started
ago 26 16:18:09 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Started LSB: starts Plesk engine.
-- Subject: L'unità sw-engine.service termina la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità sw-engine.service ha terminato la fase di avvio.
-- La fase di avvio è done.
ago 26 16:18:09 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
ago 26 16:18:09 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: done
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Starting LSB: drwebd is a Dr.Web Daemon...
-- Subject: L'unità drwebd.service inizia la fase di avvio
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità drwebd.service ha iniziato la fase di avvio.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net drwebd[5296]: Starting Dr.Web drwebd...
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net drwebd[5296]: Dr.Web drwebd is not installed
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: drwebd.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: drwebd is a Dr.Web Daemon.
-- Subject: L'unità drwebd.service è fallita
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità drwebd.service è fallita.
-- Il risultato è failed.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Unit drwebd.service entered failed state.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: drwebd.service failed.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net psa[5015]: Starting drwebd service... failed
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: PID file /var/lib/sw-cp-server.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net polkitd(authority=local)[3462]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:4982:108713625 (system bus name :1.492, object path
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities.
-- Subject: L'unità psa.service è fallita
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- L'unità psa.service è fallita.
-- Il risultato è failed.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Unit psa.service entered failed state.
ago 26 16:18:10 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: psa.service failed.

What could possible have gone wrong? I have tried "/usr/local/psa/bin/repair", I have tried bootstrapper repair, I have tried reconfigurator, I have tried many things but it just refuses to start. I saw on some forums, some people suggested to remove all drweb packages, so I have tried that too, and now the plesk repair utilities just say "not found... skipping". But it looks like plesk is still trying to start the drweb service and is failing when starting the psa service...
The bootstrapper repair gave me this output:
Started bootstrapper repair procedure. This may take a while.
Certain actions may be skipped if not applicable.

Finishing up upgrade procedures and rerunning previously failed upgrade actions...
===> Cumulative APS controller database (apsc) upgrade and repair has been started.
===> Cumulative upgrade and repair of APS controller database has been completed.

**** Product repair started.

===> Checking for previous installation ... found.
Started bootstrapper repair procedure. This may take a while.
Certain actions may be skipped if not applicable.

Trying to start service mysql... /usr/sbin/mysqld (pid 25600) is running...
Trying to establish test connection... connected
Trying to start service mysql... /usr/sbin/mysqld (pid 25600) is running...
Trying to establish test connection... connected
Trying to find psa database... version is 012000018
Version is OK, no need to create psa database.
Trying to backup MySQL database... Warning: Not dumping MySQL database 'atmail' as it doesn't exist
MySQL databases are dumped to /var/lib/psa/dumps/mysql.preupgrade.12.0.18-
Finishing up upgrade procedures and rerunning previously failed upgrade actions...
===> Cumulative APS controller database (apsc) upgrade and repair has been started.
Upgrade or repair for 'apsc' (stage 'prep') is not required
Trying to backup MySQL database... done
MySQL databases are dumped to /var/lib/psa/dumps/mysql.preupgrade.apsc.12.0.18-
===> Cumulative upgrade and repair of APS controller database has been completed.
./bootstrapper.sh: line 4471: 6932 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun "$@"
Trying to reset database user password for 'apsc@'... done
APSC database has been registered successfully
./bootstrapper.sh: line 4471: 6998 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $PRODUCT_ROOT_D/bin/sw-engine-pleskrun "$@"

Some problems are found during fix credentials for APS controller database(see log file: /var/log/plesk/install/plesk_12.0.18_repair.log)


===> Cumulative APS controller upgrade and repair (final stage) has been started.
===> Cumulative upgrade and repair of APS controller (final stage) has been completed.
===> Cumulative Plesk database upgrade and repair (revertable stage) has been started.
===> Preparing Plesk database upgrade (revertable stage).
===> Cumulative upgrade and repair of Plesk database (revertable stage) has been completed.
===> Cumulative Plesk upgrade and repair (final stage) has been started.
===> Preparing Plesk upgrade (final stage).
===> Cumulative upgrade and repair of Plesk (final stage) has been completed.
Reconfiguring mail subsystem...
Reconfiguring Apache web server...
AH00548: NameVirtualHost has no effect and will be removed in the next release /etc/apache2/plesk.conf.d/server.conf:6
Reconfiguring ProFTPD FTP server...
Reconfiguring AWStats web statistics...
Reconfiguring WatchDog...
Restoring SELinux contexts...
Regenerating web servers' configuration files...
Cleaning active Panel sessions...

Bootstrapper repair finished.
If problems persist, please check installer logs ('/var/log/plesk/install/plesk_12.0.18_repair.log' and '/var/log/plesk/install/plesk_12.0.18_repair_problems.log') for errors.
If you can't resolve the issue on your own, please address Parallels support.

The repair log ("/var/log/plesk/install/plesk_12.0.18_repair.log") gives me the same output as above, and there is no "plesk_12.0.18_repair_problems.log" file in the given path.

I am stumped, I don't know what to do anymore to get my plesk up and running again.
I also tried "repair installation", but it says there is no parameter "installation"...
Last edited:
Hi johnrdorazio,

to finish unfinished updates/upgrades/patches, you may always use the command:

/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller --select-product-id plesk --select-release-current --reinstall-patch --install-component base

To remove DRWeb completely from your server, please use the suggestions from:

( YES! It is as well valid for 12.0 )

If you experience further issues, please post again an actual bootstrapper - repair - log, after you solved above suggestions. Consider as well to reboot your server and try to include translations in english, if you post errors from systemctl or/and journalctl , so that users willing to help might understand your log - posts.
Ok I have changed my system locale to EN_US.UTF-8 so that all output will be in english.
I rebooted my server, which cause another problem with bind to IPV6 (I often have to go to Tools -> IP Addresses -> rescan & repair broken IPV6 address in Plesk Panel, now I cannot because I cannot start Plesk service, so my nginx is not starting now either... and all my websites are down...)

I tried to bootstrap repair again, I have attached the actual repair log (I could not paste it here because it was too long).


  • plesk_12.0.18_repair.zip
    3.2 KB · Views: 2
Hi johnrdorazio,

please be aware that a lot of commands for Plesk can be as well done over the command line. Here you go with the reference documentation:

Reference for Command Line Utilities, Plesk 12.0 for Linux ( Online documentation )

You can read in the documentation for example:

/usr/local/psa/bin/ipmanage -l
=> Displays the list of available IP addresses.

Further HELP for this command can be listed with:

/usr/local/psa/bin/ipmanage --help

If your desired IPv6 is not correctly listed, please consider to ask your server administrator to help you with this issue, or try for yourself to solve the issue.
If you experience often issues with IPv6 please ask yourself as well, if you really need them, or if you just installed them, because it looks "cool" ?!?!? A tiny little misconfiguration may lead to issues/problems, when it comes to IPs and their configurations.

To restart your Plesk Control Panel, you can always use the command:

/etc/init.d/psa restart

You find such commands as well at:

It might be a good idea to bookmark this KB - article. :)

Another hint, if you would like to encourage users to help you:
Please don't just post your error - logs, like you just did, because people get annoyed, if they read "actual" error - log and the log contains not only one bootstrapper repair, but several ones. Poeple willing to help you have to go through the WHOLE log - file you posted, to see issues/problems/failures, so why not shorten the log to the very last repair procedure, so that people willing to help don't have waste their time?
Well user @UFHH01, I did not install an IPV6 address to "look cool". I have a VPS from OVH and they install an IPV6 address by default. There is no server administrator, I am the server administrator. OVH offers very limited service for self-managed VPS.

I am quite aware that I can restart Plesk with "/etc/init.d/psa restart", which is the same as "service psa restart" or even just "start" in this case, seeing that it is stopped. My problem is that it won't start. I thought I posted that at the very top of this thread: start = FAILED.

I also know the "/usr/local/psa/bin/ipmanage -l" command. Please refer to this thread where I already posted about this problem. My IPV6 address is listed, but it results in state 1 (this only happens when I reboot my server or when OVH does maintenance and reboots my server). I would still like to know how to re-synchronize the IPV6 address from command line so that it will be in state 0 and not in state 1, as I asked in that thread. @IgorG pointed me to the article http://kb.odin.com/en/114245 which however only explains how to repair from the Plesk interface, which I already do (when my Plesk is working obviously). I would like to know how to repair that IP Address from command line instead of from the interface, so that I can automate the process from a cron task. But this is a different issue.

The unsynchronized IPV6 address is not the issue for this thread however. My Plesk won't start, that is the issue. The IPV6 address is a second issue to deal with, and that's the reason why nginx won't start. But it's not the reason why Plesk won't start.

Here let me do a favor and post the shortened version of the error log (I already tried pasting the shortened version, but even the shortened version was over the limit for a post here, so I had to post the file. Well, I will do you a favor and modify the file and repost the file, I hope you are not annoyed if I repost the file). BTW, you are not obliged to answer me, I am asking for help from anyone who is willing to give it. If it is too much trouble for you, I will wait for someone else to answer. You don't have to be annoyed by feeling obliged to help me. If you can help, I am grateful, but don't feel obliged or annoyed please thank you.


  • plesk_12.0.18_repair_recent.zip
    2.5 KB · Views: 2
If it helps to post the information from the above posts in english, here it is. I just issued again "service plesk start" and this gives:
Job for psa.service failed. See "systemctl status psa.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

I issue "systemctl status psa.service", and this gives:
● psa.service - LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/psa)
   Active: failed (Result: resources) since Wed 2015-08-26 21:46:51 CEST; 14s ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 30391 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/psa start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting postgresql service... not installed
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting spamassassin service... done
Aug 26 21:46:49 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Plesk: Starting Mail Server... already started
Aug 26 21:46:50 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
Aug 26 21:46:50 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: done
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting drwebd service... not installed
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: PID file /var/lib/sw-cp-server.pid not readable (yet?) after start.
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Plesk Interface and Utilities.
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: Unit psa.service entered failed state.
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net systemd[1]: psa.service failed.

There doesn't seem to be very much useful information if I issue "journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=psa.service":
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: done
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting xinetd service... done
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting sw-cp-server service... done
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting mysql service... done
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting bind9 service... done
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting postgresql service... not installed
Aug 26 21:46:48 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting spamassassin service... done
Aug 26 21:46:49 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Plesk: Starting Mail Server... already started
Aug 26 21:46:50 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting psa... Starting sw-engine (via systemctl): sw-engine.service.
Aug 26 21:46:50 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: done
Aug 26 21:46:51 vps94844.ovh.net psa[30391]: Starting drwebd service... not installed
I think I will just make a backup of all my data and my websites, and re-install the VPS... It seems to be the "easiest" solution if Plesk has been somehow corrupted.