I deploy my project through git and have added additional deploy actions, to build the JS from my Laravel project. My actions are as follows and function:

However, in my project's root there's a .env file (/var/www/vhosts/domain.com/sub.domain.com/.env) and the variables in there are not taken into the build, resulting in "undefined" values of the environment variables.
I have considered (and disregarded) the NodeJS option in Plesk and decided against because I don't want to serve a NodeJS project.
Thanks in advance

However, in my project's root there's a .env file (/var/www/vhosts/domain.com/sub.domain.com/.env) and the variables in there are not taken into the build, resulting in "undefined" values of the environment variables.
I have considered (and disregarded) the NodeJS option in Plesk and decided against because I don't want to serve a NodeJS project.
Thanks in advance