• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Question kind of a dumb question, but just making sure


Basic Pleskian
hi, ok so i setup Plesk, added my main domain that is part of my hostname.mydomain.com for the VPS I have installed Obsidian on with CentOS 7
Product: Plesk Obsidian 18.0.20 Update #1 , last updated at Oct 30, 2019 03:29 AM

my question: In domain DNS settings for mydomain.com shows ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com this is all correct in DNS settings for this domain = mydomain.com

after I add 2 other domains

my1domain.com and this has ns1.my1domain.com ns2.my1domain.com
my2domain.com and this has ns1.my2domain.com ns2.my2domain.com

do i need to edit those to be like my main domain ns1. ns2.mydomain.com for proper propagation ?

just noticed this, i'm use to cPanel - it keeps ns1 ns2 for all domains I add that I don't have to give there own ns1 ns2, but Plesk gives every domain its own ns1 ns2 in DNS settings.?

seems my domains work, even though ns1 ns2 belong to those same domain names, but sometimes when i go to my1domain.com and my2domain.com and I refresh my browser a few times it says page not found ? then it shows up again as working.

so I am wondering, since I didn't notice this before in the DNS settings for the other domains I added, do i need to go back and edit ns1 and ns2 so they will be the same nameservers ( ns1.mydomain.com ns2.mydomain.com) that I added at the registrar for those domains.?

Thanks so much in advance
In my head I know I probably should change ns1 ns2, but why do the domains still work having ns1 ns2 of each domain instead of the ns1 ns2 of the main domain in DNS setting ?

again, sorry for the dumb question. Plesk is different then what I am use too so not sure :)
here is my second domain this is dns ns1 ns2 is hub.com
but for this domain at my registrar, i've added NS records of ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com (which is my primary domains nameservers that I setup for this VPS - PLesk Server)
so do I need to delete these NS and A records and add my NS and A records from my primary domain. ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com ?

that would be my question to clarify?
here is where I am confused.
thanks again for any help

hi again, I think I figured it out some of my question, but not for sure.

in Plesk> tools and settings > General settings > DNS Template

- I altered the NS records to show as my main domain - hostname for Plesk.

I would assume this is correct If I want all new domains I add to my server to use my NS Records - ns1 ns2 ?

- But my other question is: when adding a domain with this template,
it still adds
ns1.newdomain.com A record - IP address of my server
ns2.newdomain.com A record - IP address of my server

- Can I delete these ns1.<domain> and ns2.<domain> in the default template so it does not create this for new Domains?
or is it needed and ok for these to be creating ns1.newdomain.com and ns2.newdomain.com or what else could I alter to make sure everything si going to work correctly ?

thanks again so much for your time in assisting me

see Default Template I edited below:
hi again, I think I figured it out some of my question, but not for sure.

in Plesk> tools and settings > General settings > DNS Template

- I altered the NS records to show as my main domain - hostname for Plesk.

I would assume this is correct If I want all new domains I add to my server to use my NS Records - ns1 ns2 ?
Yes, this is correct, assuming that all the domains will use ns1 and ns2.mydomain.com as their DNS.

Besides changing the DNS template, change also the DNS records of any domains that were added before the DNS template was changed. They should all have NS records pointing to your main domain ns1 and ns2 (so to ns1.mydomain.com and ns2.mydomain.com in your examples).

E.g. there should be:
newdomain.com NS ns1.mydomain.com
newdomain.com NS ns2.mydomain.com

in the DNS of the newdomain.com and in the DNS of any other domain.

But my other question is: when adding a domain with this template,
it still adds
ns1.newdomain.com A record - IP address of my server
ns2.newdomain.com A record - IP address of my server

- Can I delete these ns1.<domain> and ns2.<domain> in the default template so it does not create this for new Domains
Yes, delete those from the DNS template (the last four arrows with the question mark in screenshot above).

Besides changing the DNS template, change also the DNS records of any domains that were added before the DNS template was changed, except for your main domain mydomain.com (!).

So the DNS of your main domain must have:
ns1.mydomain.com A IP
ns2.mydomain.com A IP

but the DNS of newdomain.com does not need:
ns1.newdomain.com A IP
ns2.newdomain.com A IP

Same goes for AAAA records if you use IPv6.

There is nothing wrong if A records for ns1 and ns2.newdomain.com exist, but they are not needed and might cause confusion.