• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

List of suspend domains


New Pleskian

I need to get a list of suspend domains from mysql. The domains are suspend because they exceeded quota.

So far I have done this query:


select domains.id,
domains.name as domena,
Round(((sum(domains.real_size))/1048576),2) realMB,

(select Round((limits.value/1048576),2) from limits left join (domains, subscriptions, subscriptionproperties) on (domains.id=subscriptions.object_id and subscriptions.id=subscriptionproperties.subscription_id and subscriptionproperties.value=limits.id) where subscriptionproperties.name='limitsId' and limits.limit_name='disk_space' and domains.name=domena) quotaMB

from domains

where domains.status='2' and
(select (sum(domains.real_size)))>0

group by domains.cl_id;


but I didnt managed to get only those that exceed the quota.

Can someone help me?

Thank you,
I think I managed to do

select domains.id, domains.name as domena, Round(((sum(domains.real_size))/1048576),2) realMB, (select Round((limits.value/1048576),2) from limits left join (domains, subscriptions, subscriptionproperties) on (domains.id=subscriptions.object_id and subscriptions.id=subscriptionproperties.subscription_id and subscriptionproperties.value=limits.id) where subscriptionproperties.name='limitsId' and limits.limit_name='disk_space' and domains.name=domena) quotaMB from domains where domains.status='2' and (select (sum(domains.real_size)))>(select limits.value from limits where limits.id=(select subscriptionproperties.value from subscriptionproperties where subscriptionproperties.subscription_id=(select subscriptions.id from subscriptions where subscriptions.object_id=domains.id) and subscriptionproperties.name='limitsId') and limits.limit_name='disk_space') group by domains.cl_id;
select tab.min_id, tab.displayname, Round(tab.velicina/1048576,2) real_size, Round(l.value/1048576,2) kvota from (select min(id) min_id, cl_id,displayname, sum(real_size) velicina from domains d where status=2 group by cl_id) tab, subscriptionproperties sp, limits l, subscriptions sb where tab.min_id=sb.object_id and sb.id=sp.subscription_id and name='limitsId' and sp.value=l.id and l.limit_name='disk_space' and tab.velicina > l.value;

done :D