New Pleskian
Hi, I'm getting tons of these items in the logwatch mail. My FTP accounts are working perfectly, and there is no file /etc/ftpusers, so how and why is this file being invoked by brute force login attemps? I want to get rid of this from the logwatch in the most appropriate manner.
In another forum, a user simply suggested to create an empty /etc/ftpusers file, is this the recommended way to fix this? Thanks.
pam_listfile(proftpd:auth): Couldn't open /etc/ftpusers
pam_unix(proftpd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=/dev/ftpd3972 ruser=XXXX rhost= user=XXXX
In another forum, a user simply suggested to create an empty /etc/ftpusers file, is this the recommended way to fix this? Thanks.