• If you are still using CentOS 7.9, it's time to convert to Alma 8 with the free centos2alma tool by Plesk or Plesk Migrator. Please let us know your experiences or concerns in this thread:
    CentOS2Alma discussion
  • Please beaware of a breaking change in the REST API on the current Plesk release (18.0.62).
    Starting from Plesk Obsidian 18.0.62, requests to REST API containing the Content-Type header with a media-type directive other than “application/json” will result in the HTTP “415 Unsupported Media Type” client error response code. Read more here

Issue MariaDB libmaodbc-plesk.so: undefined symbol: OPENSSL_init_ssl


New Pleskian

I've tried to upgrade Plesk licence key on Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS with Plesk 18.0.33 via graphical interface. That failed without error message.

Via command line (plesk bin license -i XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX) the following error occurred:
/usr/bin/sw-engine: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmaodbc-plesk.so: undefined symbol: OPENSSL_init_ssl

openssl version result is: OpenSSL 1.1.1i 8 Dec 2020

plesk repair installation/all/mysql fails with the same error message.

How can I fix MariaDB?

I would suggest you contact Plesk Support Team. The issue should be investigated directly on your server.