You're overthinking it
@Pleskie Unless you've decided
not to allow them to... Then practically all Plesk Extentions will update themselves automatically.
All you need to do, is check the version numbers of the two Plesk Extentions and assuming that they are as stated above (Advanced Monitoring 1.4.3 / Grafana extension version 1.2.3 ) you're all done. It's that easy (but see below)
Thus ^^ almost confirming by default, that the two Plesk Extentions, are exactly as stated above: Advanced Monitoring 1.4.3 / Grafana extension version 1.2.3
No - they did not!
After a reinstallation Advanced Monitoring (today) the grafana.log contains this:
t=2021-06-21T11:44:08+0200 lvl=warn msg="plugin failed to exit gracefully" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-simple-json-backend-datasource
t=2021-06-21T11:44:11+0200 lvl=warn msg="Running an unsigned plugin" logger=plugins pluginID=grafana-simple-json-backend-datasource pluginDir=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/grafana-simple-json-backend-datasource/dist
t=2021-06-21T11:44:11+0200 lvl=eror msg="Failed to start plugin" logger=plugins.backend pluginId=grafana-simple-json-backend-datasource error="Incompatible API version with plugin. Plugin version: 1, Client versions: [2]"
t=2021-06-21T11:44:11+0200 lvl=warn msg="Running an unsigned plugin" logger=plugins pluginID=plesk-json-backend-datasource pluginDir=/var/lib/grafana/plugins/plesk-json-backend-datasource/dist
t=2021-06-21T11:44:11+0200 lvl=eror msg="Failed to read plugin provisioning files from directory" logger=provisioning.plugins path=/etc/grafana/provisioning/plugins error="open /etc/grafana/provisioning/plugins: no such file or directory"
t=2021-06-21T13:06:08+0200 lvl=eror msg="Alert Rule Result Error" logger=alerting.evalContext ruleId=19 name="Plesk memory usage" error="request handler response error {invalid status code. status: 500 Internal Server Error A <nil> [] [] 0xc000b5db60}" changing state to=keep_state
t=2021-06-21T13:06:08+0200 lvl=eror msg="Alert Rule Result Error" logger=alerting.evalContext ruleId=17 name="Mail server memory usage" error="request handler response error {invalid status code. status: 500 Internal Server Error A <nil> [] [] 0xc00100d7d0}" changing state to=keep_state
'Advanced Monitoring' is a part of the common 'Plesk Extensions' and not a part of the 'Extensions Catalog'