Basic Pleskian
Migration from Plesk 10.4 to 11.5 failing:
Within Plesk 10.4 server the user has no existing scheduled jobs (Cronjobs)
When migrating a domain to 11.5 the following error is generated:
Checking the old server:
#cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/username
#crontab -e -u username
This looks fine
Technical Stuff
Some of the log entries:
And the dump_object1.xml file shows:
This clearly shows a newline after the email address and is probably the cause of the issue.
Empty the crontab file for the user, this can be done via a text editor via SSH:
#crontab -e -u username
Run the migration again and it should now work fine.
Within Plesk 10.4 server the user has no existing scheduled jobs (Cronjobs)
When migrating a domain to 11.5 the following error is generated:
Internal server error: /usr/bin/crontab execution failed:
"-":1: bad hour
errors in crontab file, can't install.
System error: crontab execution error
Checking the old server:
#cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/username
# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
# (crontabMzaOJb installed on Tue Dec 3 09:59:20 2013)
# (Cron version -- $Id: crontab.c,v 2.13 1994/01/17 03:20:37 vixie Exp $)
[email protected]
#crontab -e -u username
This looks fine
Technical Stuff
Some of the log entries:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<execution-result-mixed status="warnings" log-location="">
<backup status="success" log-location="/var/cache/20131204143728928/migration.result">
<transfer status="success">
<restore status="warnings">
<conflict-resolve status="success" log-location="">
<deploy status="warnings" log-location="">
<object type="domain" name="">
<message code="ExecCliGate::InternalServerError" severity="warning" id="cdf616a6-74d2-401b-80c9-fd1fb4743fea">
<description>Internal server error: <cli><failure>/usr/bin/crontab execution failed:
&quot;-&quot;:1: bad hour
errors in crontab file, can't install.
System error: crontab execution error
And the dump_object1.xml file shows:
<cid-rsync unpacksize="4616548" path="/var/www/vhosts/" type="ftp_stat"/><cid-rsync unpacksize="681566" path="/var/www/vhosts/" type="anon_ftpstat"/><cid-rsync unpacksize="4096" path="/var/www/vhosts/" type="pd"/><cid-rsync unpacksize="173306461" path="/var/www/vhosts/" type="logs"/></content><preferences><sysuser name="username"><password type="sym">$AES-128-CBC$3ks+yvMtFusCasc424gfwrg24gh3rgv==kn24p8kPFoQ==</password><cron>[email protected]
</cron></sysuser><logrotation compress="true" max-number-of-logfiles="10" enabled="true"><logrotation-maxsize>204800000</logrotation-maxsize></logrotation><webalizer/><perfomance><max-connections>-1</max-connections><traffic-bandwidth>
This clearly shows a newline after the email address and is probably the cause of the issue.
Empty the crontab file for the user, this can be done via a text editor via SSH:
#crontab -e -u username
Run the migration again and it should now work fine.