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Question More backup to different destinations


Regular Pleskian
Is there a way to schedule multiple backups to different destinations?
I have configured 3 destinations, but then in "Schedule Backup" I can configure only one backup and one destination.
Plesk cannot store the same backup to multiple targets automatically (with the exception of storing it to a remote and a local storage space at the same time).

Here are some suggestions for your demand:

You could configure your backups through client commands, so that you can do as many backups as you like, one after the other, with different targets.

You could create a script that copies a backup from destination A to destination B. If I was you, I'd probably do it this way, because it saves all the load and extra work on the server to create a separate backup.

You could configure your backups through client commands, so that you can do as many backups as you like, one after the other, with different targets.

You could create a script that copies a backup from destination A to destination B. If I was you, I'd probably do it this way, because it saves all the load and extra work on the server to create a separate backup.

I didn't understand how to create backups "through client commands". Do you mean writing commands in the Linux console? For example with rsync?
But I should know which folders to save in case I need to restore the server.
Being a VPS already configured by the ISP, I find Plesk ready to use.
Restoring a saved backup should allow me to recreate the entire Plesk configuration and everything installed on it: customers, subscriptions, websites, mailboxes, ...

However I didn't understand why from Plesk I can't make a backup to Dropbox on Monday, a backup to GoogleDrive on Tuesday and a third incremental backup via SFTP every night.
Is it a configuration problem or does Plesk just not allow you to make more than one backup?
Is there an extension to manage it directly from Plesk?
For other targets you will probably need to develope either your own software or you can try to find an extension. There are extensions for some services. But I think they do not work together with the client utility. Not sure, because extension authors do their own stuff and only interface with Plesk where they think it is sufficient.
But this brings me back to square one.
To use the Remote Storage extensions I have to use the Plesk backup, which however only allows a single backup.
To use the command line tools I can't use the remote storage, but I should find a reliable FTP Server and I confess I don't know any.
You can do everything with the Plesk command line tools that you can do with the GUI. You can for sure create backups that are stored in an external FTP repository. The only prerequisite is that your storage space needs to have an FTP access.

For example you can simply lease a web space or server or cloud storage space anywhere, as long as it has an FTP access, and then store your backups to that storage space. However, using special services like Dropbox, GDrive or whatsoever might not necessarily have an FTP access point, so for these you may need a different approach. That's why there are extensions for such services.

Here is a question for you which answer will help me to understand user requirments better: My experience is that users always want something that they do not have. It does not really matter how much functionality a software has, there is always something that users will want in addition to it. They have all opportunities, yet they find something additional that they want to do. Why not simply back up into an FTP account somewhere? And why not simply create one backup and then doing a copy of that if you absolutely need a second copy of the backup? If Plesk had Dropbox, GDrive integrated as an option, users would probably ask why it does not have Amazon AWS E3 direct storage space access implemented or some other option that is not built-in. If it also had Dropbox, GDrive, Amazon AWS support, they'd ask why JohnDoeBackupServices are missing ... In my company we've never needed anything beyond simply FTP/FTPS, and I guarantee we have a really huge demand for backups and huge backup spaces with daily backups in the high Terabyte range, and there has never een any need for anything beyond that. So for normal use why not start with what's there, and if it turns out that his is not enough you can always think about having someone develop a Plesk extension for a special service that provides even more functionality?
I agree with you in principle, but in my case it is very simple.
I already have an annual contract with Dropbox to have 2TB and use a maximum of 300GB.
I'm looking at different offers for cloud FTP services, but for the same price as Dropbox I have 100 / 200GB maximum.
Also I was applying the rule of making multiple backups and saving them in different destinations.
I already use an FTP service, limited to 50GB.
I also wanted to work alongside him with others.

The only thing I can do right now is to schedule a backup from Plesk to Dropbox and then schedule an FTP backup using the command.

Still the last things I didn't understand:
1) Can I enter the "plesk bin pleskbackup server" command in the "Tools & Settings / Scheduled Task" panel?

2) Where do I put the environment variables?
Directly in Linux or in Plesk?

I have a the options:
--ftp-login=<ftp_login> and --ftp-password = <password>
But I also have options
--output-file = <ftp: // [<login> [: <password>] @] <server> / <filepath>>

I didn't understand how to use them.
Obviously, if possible, I don't want to enter the user and password in clear text in the command.
I start the command

plesk bin pleskbackup server --prefix='Server-Full' -d='Server-Full' -s --ftp-passive-mode --output-file='sftp://homeMY-ISP.TLD/1-Backup/VLS1/1-Server/' --ftp-login=my-username --ftp-password=$FTP_PASSWORD

But then in /1-Backup/VLS1/1-Server/ folder there is nothing and in the Backup Manager page I see the backup, but there is no icon that identifies the FTP destination.
Where is the backup?
On the disk? In which folder?

=== Update===
I am using the same configuration I use in Back Manager to do SFTP backup.
Either by using username and password in clear text, or by using a variable for the password.
There are no errors indicating that the link has not been activated
I'm filling up the drive with 3GB backup, but not a single bit is transferred.

plesk bin pleskbackup server --prefix='VLS1-Server-Full' -d='VLS1 Server Full from command' -s --ftp-passive-mode --output-file='sftp://[email protected]//1-Backup/VLS1/1-Server/ --ftp-password=$FTP_PASSWORD'

With the command
plesk bin pleskbackup server --prefix='VLS1-Server-Full' -d='VLS1 Server Full from command' -s --ftp-passive-mode --output-file='sftp://<username>:<password>@my-ISP.tld//1-Backup/VLS1/1-Server/

the prompt ">" appears

I able to connect to server
root@vls1:~# sftp [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Connected to [email protected]
sftp> exit
Last edited:
@Peter Debik

At this point perhaps it is better to close this thread and open a new one for issue because with all the tests done, no errors appeared with one, two and three '-v' options.
Nor did I find any errors in the logs in /opt/psa/PMM/sessions

plesk bin pleskbackup server --prefix='VLS1-Server-Full' -d='VLS1 Server Full from command' -s -v --ftp-passive-mode --output-file=sftp://<my-isp> --ftp-login=<username> --ftp-password=$FTP_PASSWORD
I created a thread with an Issue and then I can close this.

Even solving the problem of sftp transfer, I still do not solve the problem of an automatic and scheduled backup.
If I have not misunderstood, even putting pleskbackup in cron I have to launch two, for the full and for the incremental.
However, there is no option to manage the quota and delete the oldest.

I am quite disappointed that Plesk there is no way to manage more than one backup to different destinations and even by intervening in subscriptions you can only manage one.

I could buy Acronis, but the proposed version costs more than the cost of the VPS itself.