Here's a couple problems I see with 11.5.30 Update #9 and nginx and ssl.
1 - /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/domain/nginxDomainVirtualHost.php should be changed from:
2 - In order to comply with PCI compliance
should be changed to:
3 - These changes should also be applied to /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/nginxWebmailPartial.php
4 - The server_name directive is not always being honored. Connecting to the server openssl s_client -connect <IP>:443 will often times use the default panel certificate instead of using the certificate located in /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/domain.tld.conf. The server should only be using the panel certificate for webmail.* roundcube.webmail.* horde.webmail.* atmail.webmail.*.
5 - There should be an option for the domain to use a wildcard certificate for the subdomains listed above. Currently there's no possible way to achieve this. Additional nginx directives don't work because they are duplicates and therefore refused.
6 - Reconfiguring all domains /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all, causes all certificates to be invalidated by nginx. To correct this the following article needs to be followed: This should not happen!
Can someone from Parallels please shed some light onto these issues and possibly forward this to development for resolution.
Thank you!
1 - /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/domain/nginxDomainVirtualHost.php should be changed from:
<?php if ($sslCertificate->ca): ?>
ssl_client_certificate <?php echo $sslCertificate->caFilePath ?>;
<?php endif ?>
<?php if ($sslCertificate->ca): ?>
ssl_client_certificate <?php echo $sslCertificate->caFilePath ?>;
ssl_trusted_certificate <?php echo $sslCertificate->caFilePath ?>;
<?php endif ?>
2 - In order to comply with PCI compliance
ssl_protocols SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
should be changed to:
ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
ssl_ciphers RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!DH:!EDH;
3 - These changes should also be applied to /usr/local/psa/admin/conf/templates/default/nginxWebmailPartial.php
4 - The server_name directive is not always being honored. Connecting to the server openssl s_client -connect <IP>:443 will often times use the default panel certificate instead of using the certificate located in /etc/nginx/plesk.conf.d/vhosts/domain.tld.conf. The server should only be using the panel certificate for webmail.* roundcube.webmail.* horde.webmail.* atmail.webmail.*.
5 - There should be an option for the domain to use a wildcard certificate for the subdomains listed above. Currently there's no possible way to achieve this. Additional nginx directives don't work because they are duplicates and therefore refused.
6 - Reconfiguring all domains /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/httpdmng --reconfigure-all, causes all certificates to be invalidated by nginx. To correct this the following article needs to be followed: This should not happen!
Can someone from Parallels please shed some light onto these issues and possibly forward this to development for resolution.
Thank you!
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