• Please be aware: Kaspersky Anti-Virus has been deprecated
    With the upgrade to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.64, "Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Servers" will be automatically removed from the servers it is installed on. We recommend that you migrate to Sophos Anti-Virus for Servers.
  • The Horde webmail has been deprecated. Its complete removal is scheduled for April 2025. For details and recommended actions, see the Feature and Deprecation Plan.

Resolved Obsidian 18.0.27 update

Dave W

Regular Pleskian
Hi folks,
Just wondering why the update 18.0.27 isnt installed automatically?
Its not a major update is it?
Updates come to the server gradually, and not simultaneously.
Maybe it’s just that the update has not yet reached you.
Hi Igor,
Thanks for the reply, I was just wondering because automatic installs are enabled on the servers but theyve been showing the option to update for some time now.
I'll leave them sit for another while and see what happens.
Still no updates happening on any of the servers, settings are as below, should the 18.0.27 update install automatically?

after the release of a new version it can even take up to 4 weeks for the update to be installed automatically. some servers get the update after a few days, others take weeks. at least this is the case with the servers we run.
Cheers for the reply Moswak,
I've not noticed that happening before, usually a couple of days for minor updates, I'll let them sit a week or two and see what happens.
From 18.0.26 to 18.0.27 is considered an upgrade and not a minor update anymore as the update cycle changed:

And we do not deploy the updates to all machines at the same time to prevent issues affecting all users :)
So there is nothing to worry about the delay, you can also double check if you have any 3rd party mirror that could be outdated inside /root/.autoinstallerrc
Hi Arashi,
We have about 50 Plesk servers on Obsidian with the settings as per above but none have gone to 18.0.27
Reading the article posted, they should just update monthly automatically?
Are you sure that your servers do not use a repository mirror from your service provider?
Hi Igor,
No these are basic Centos7 containers running plesk;

yum repolist
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirror.strencom.net
 * extras: mirror.as29550.net
 * updates: mirror.strencom.net
repo id                                                                                      repo name                                                                                            status
PLESK_17_PHP52                                                                               PHP 5.2 for Plesk 17                                                                                     57
PLESK_17_PHP53                                                                               PHP 5.3 for Plesk 17                                                                                     59
PLESK_17_PHP54                                                                               PHP 5.4 for Plesk 17                                                                                     87
PLESK_17_PHP55                                                                               PHP 5.5 for Plesk 17                                                                                     87
PLESK_17_PHP56                                                                               PHP 5.6 for Plesk 17                                                                                     33
PLESK_17_PHP70                                                                               PHP 7.0 for Plesk 17                                                                                     34
PLESK_17_PHP71                                                                               PHP 7.1 for Plesk 17                                                                                     40
PLESK_17_PHP72                                                                               PHP 7.2 for Plesk 17                                                                                     37
PLESK_17_PHP73                                                                               PHP 7.3                                                                                                  37
PLESK_17_PHP74                                                                               PHP 7.4                                                                                                  37
PLESK_18_0_26-extras                                                                         PLESK_18_0_26 extras                                                                                     32
base/7/x86_64                                                                                CentOS-7 - Base                                                                                      10,070
extras/7/x86_64                                                                              CentOS-7 - Extras                                                                                       397
plesk-ext-grafana                                                                            grafana extension repository                                                                            222
updates/7/x86_64                                                                             CentOS-7 - Updates                                                                                      671
repolist: 11,900

cat /root/.autoinstallerrc

plesk bin server_pref --show | grep -i autoupdates
autoupdates:    true
autoupdates-email-notification: [email protected]
autoupdates-third-party:        true

Hi Igor et al,
Just to update this thread, the updates have started to come in, so its just a game of patience I guess.
All the best
@Dave W

In response to @IgorG's question

Are you sure that your servers do not use a repository mirror from your service provider?

you responded

No these are basic Centos7 containers running plesk;

and the answer to the question of @IgorG should not be "no", but actually "yes" - it follows from your output that strencom based mirrors are used.

The "game of patience" -as you called it- is more or less the "patience" required to wait for the update of mirrors as provided by Strencom.

You can make this whole "waiting game" a bit less relevant by specifying different mirrors, even though I would not really recommend that.

You could also make this "waiting game" less relevant by switching to another hosting / cloud provider - that seems to be a drastic measure to get all Plesk updates in a timely fashion, but it is not about Plesk updates alone : it can be expected that all changes in packages on the strencom mirrors, including security updates, will be a bit delayed (and you really don't want that when it concerns common or security related packages).

In short, it is not a must, but in my humble opinion you should reconsider your options when it comes to updates (of Plesk and CentOS packages).

Kind regards......