Earlier, you stated
I just create php.ini under httpdocs (no permissions in etc folder) but nothing happens again
and you should not do that.
Furthermore, in order to check which php.ini file is used, run: php --ini (from the command line).
do not adjust the php.ini files manually.
Also, you stated earlier
There is no php.ini under httpdocs or etc folder.
and that is normal, the php.ini will be created
and changed if you change the settings via Plesk UI, under "PHP Settings".
Note that changing the settings for <domain>.<tld> will also (automatically) apply the settings to (all) <subdomain>.<domain>.<tld>, with the possibility to use different settings in all the <subdomain>.<domain>.<tld>,
but that requires a separate setup at the subdomain level, under "PHP Settings" of the subdomain.
By the way, you created a php.ini and part of the problems encountered can be due to the php.ini file creation, so remove that file (if still present) and set "PHP Settings".
Finally, with respect to (alleged) issue on hand (as represented in the first post), you should be aware of the facts that
a) a run of the web-based "installation of components" (i.e. your lower screenshot) can be taking a considerate amount of time,
b) a run of the web-based "installation of components", simultaneous with the (plesk) autoinstaller from the command line, can result in various errors,
most important, a check of
default php settings (i.e. your first screenshot) provides results from the
default php.ini (that can be found with the command "php --ini")
and not the results of the php.ini files under /var/www/vhosts/system/<domain> (which php.ini files can be set by changing values in the Plesk UI, under "PHP Settings").
In short, it seems to be the case that nothing was wrong with your PHP setup.
Note that the above can imply that your customizations of PHP settings (if any still reside) can cause new problems (not related to PHP setup, but to customization).
If you encounter any problems, just let me know, by sending a mail (i.e. starting a personal conversation).
Kind regards.....