Hi, I'm using the following for workaround:
Manual commandline backup using pleskbackup
FTP from commandline with -s:ftpcommands to script FTP-session
blat to send a piped output logfile to someones mail
@echo off
del <plesk_temp_backupfile> /Q
del <plesk_temp_backuplog> /Q
set todaysdate=%date:~2,2%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%
cd \Program Files\Parallels\Plesk\bin
pleskbackup --server --output-file=<plesk_temp_backupdir>\ -v -v -v >> <plesk_temp_backupdir>\pleskbackup_%todaysdate%.log
ftp -s:<plesk_scriptdir>\ftpcommands.txt >> <plesk_temp_backupdir>\pleskbackup_%todaysdate%.log
<plesk_scriptdir>\blat <plesk_temp_backupdir>\pleskbackup_%todaysdate%.log -server <smtpserver> -f pleskbackup@<yourdomain> -subject "Pleskbackup %todaysdate%" -to <you@yourmail> -attach <plesk_temp_backupdir>\pleskbackup_%todaysdate%.log
<plesk_temp_backupfile> = A zip file in some temp folder, ex. "c:\temp\pleskbackup*.zip"
<plesk_temp_backuplog> = A log file in some temp folder, ex. "c:\temp\pleskbackup*.log"
<plesk_temp_backupdir> = A directory used for storing your exported backups temporarily, ex. "c:\temp"
<plesk_scriptdir> = Directory that holds the script and ftpcommands.txt
<yourdomain> = Your domain?
<you@yourmail> = The address you want the backuplog to be sent to
open <ftpserver>
cd <ftp_backupdir>
lcd <pleskserver_temp_backup_dir>
put plesk*.zip
<ftpserver> = FTP server address
<ftp_username> = FTP server username
<ftp_password> = FTP server password
<ftp_backupdir> = The FTP directory that should hold your backups
<plesk_temp_backupdir> = The directory that holds your exported backups temporarily, ex. "c:\temp", must match the one in pleskbackup.bat
Look at the attached files for blat and the other scriptfiles. Also, dont forget to schedule this!
BTW, if someone knows a nice commandline tool to calculate dates from string input, please let me know! Would make it possible to delete older backups. Something like %todaysdate%-5